In my excitement, I must have sent more venom through his system. I’d never injected this much into one of my bonded before. Was there a level that would prove toxic or fatal for my mates?

Zeno roared, yanking me against him and again wrapping his tail around me. I clung to him, my arms wrapping around him to keep the water from getting between our bodies, pulling me away from him.

He swam at the incredible speed of an ocean predator. I smiled in delight. My mate was strong. Each rhythmic undulation of his tail moved his erection inside me and rubbed me in all the right places. I didn’t care where he was taking me. I just wanted to remain like this for the rest of my life.

He moved through the doors and out into the private courtyard of the palace. I glanced around, suddenly feeling shy at the thought that strangers might be around.

“No one comes inside the private courtyard. We are alone here. Besides, the Atlanteans are all out in a group to gather food. No one is here, except for your men and us,” he answered my unspoken question, and I wondered if he had read my expression or if he could read minds as I could.

I nodded. There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but they would wait.

“Secure your tail around mine.”

I stiffened at the command in his voice but forced myself to relax and obey. Curling my tail around his, I pulled our bodies close, enjoying the sensation of warm skin and scale touching nearly every inch of my body.

The moment he was sure we were together, he thrust upward. I tilted my head back to look above us. We were so far down that I could barely see any light coming from the surface of the water.

Around us, the ocean was a deep blue, and it extended almost as far as my eye could see in all directions. The only sign of which direction was up was the slightly lighter hue of the ocean, from navy blue to cerulean blue above our heads. There was no way we were going to be easily spotted by divers.

Zeno began a mating dance, spinning us around and moving from side to side as though listening to music that only he could hear. It was joyful, beautiful, and wild. Full of the playfulness of dolphins and the power of the orcas.

It called to my heart, asking me to bond myself with this man for the rest of my life. I knew it as surely as I knew my own name. It called to a primitive part of my being, one I had tried to keep boxed and hidden. One that was rattling its cage, eager to be free, just as my emotions were finding freedom.

From what I had gathered from the humans’ minds, this would have been called a marriage proposal. Except this was so much more. It was a proposal and a marriage at the same time. If I accepted, we would be bonded for life. Our hearts and lives tied together for the rest of our time on this earth.

“Yes,” I whispered the word but knew he heard me.

I sank my fangs into his neck, and he quickly reciprocated by burying his fangs in the tender flesh of my neck. His thrusting became frantic, his fluke beating the water, sending us higher while at the same time giving each thrust of his pelvis an added impact.

Scales brushed against me, sending chill bumps pebbling along my skin. The textures and sensations were overwhelming. I could feel the tightness in my core break free, and my release hit me in a wave. My body clamped down on his manhood, squeezing as I shook with pleasure, and my channel spasmed. He found his own release and shouted it to the depths of the sea.

When the aftershocks finally subsided, I rested my head against his chest. I had eaten well, but the bonding had still exhausted me. I smiled at how quickly life changed. An hour ago, I was considering killing this man, yet now I trusted him to hold me close and swim us to safety.

Life was strange, but I was beginning to like this new world.

The call was back. I’d wondered if my returning emotions had dimmed the call, but that wasn’t the case. The call was just as strong as it had been, perhaps even stronger.

After bonding with Zeno, we returned to the castle. He introduced himself to the other men through the glass. I had several alpha mates, and it was interesting to watch them adjust to each other’s presence in my life.

While Zeno had left to speak with his advisers, Storm had insisted that we return to the bedroom, which I happily agreed to until they tucked me in and left the room… leaving me alone. The men claimed if they stayed, we wouldn’t be sleeping, and I needed to rest. Spoilsports.

That was where I had been when the call came, sleeping like the dead in a bed covered with pillows and thick blankets. Still half asleep, I answered the call. It took some effort, but I finally found my way to the opposite side of the glass walls and out into the ocean. I suspected Lokene had something to do with that, but I hadn’t caught sight of the confusing man since he’d left with my other mates.

Streaking through cool dark waters, I shivered, missing the warmth of my bed. However, my instincts refused to let me deny the call. As I drew nearer to the ocean’s surface, men’s voices tainted with the Lure filtered into my mind.

“How much do you reckon we drank?”

“Not enough to be seeing this, Todd.”

“So you see it, too? The fish tail, I mean?”

“Yeah. I am guessing this is a mermaid, like from the television.

“Mermaids aren’t real, idiot.”

“Well, how do you explain that, then? She’s got a woman’s upper body and a tail instead of legs. She has to be a mermaid.”

I stopped breathing.I was too deep for them to be talking about me. Surely I had misunderstood them, and they had not caught one of my people.