If I was going to do the impossible and stop a powerful force of nature, I was going to need to pick up the pace. Closing my eyes, I once again reached past the magik and called for the power that lay dormant.

Nothing happened.

I didn’t have time for this. What was that phrase about grabbing bulls by the horns? Instead of asking nicely, this time, I mentally reached inside and grabbed the power. Agony surged through me. Light exploded around me for the second time that day. It lasted only ten seconds before the light faded and the pain ebbed away.

I smiled. The different parts of me had just snapped together like a puzzle. I had been powerful as a Siren, but now this Siren had the power of the Ancients surging through her veins. It was time to see what these new powers could do.

I focused on the energy that was coursing through me. It was wild and out of control, and I worried it would slip from my grasp. I wasn’t sure what would happen if I lost control of it, but I wasn’t eager to find out.

Show me the city. I need to see a mental picture.My power surged and crackled around me as I begged my abilities to once again adapt to a situation. I shouted the command directly into Fynn’s mind, knowing that Lokene had already pushed boundaries by connecting our minds for the first time. He could not risk getting involved with my plan.

Relief swelled through me when I heard Fynn’s voice, weak but clear through the mental link.How do I show you?

Find a picture of the city’s shoreline. Create the picture in your mind. I need every tiny detail. Just like an artist with his masterpiece, I need you to speak to me without using words. You are conveying your thoughts with an image. I will see it, just as I can hear you.I hoped I was right.

I found an image online. I am building the image in my mind. You have to hurry, Zosi.I caught the rising note of panic in his voice. The same panic was clawing at my insides, but this was my only chance to beat the deadly wave to shore. This had to work.

I focused on the mental link, sending some of my antsy power through the bond. A blurry image wavered in my mind. I let a bit more power trickle into the mental link. The picture faded, and my heart sank. Then there was a snap, and I saw the image as clearly as if I were looking out at the scene myself.

It worked! You did it, Fynn!

It did? Are you sure?His words were hopeful.

Yes! I have to go so I can focus.I started to cut the connection and then paused.Fynn? My love for you runs deeper than the ocean. Never forget that.

Zosi! What aren’t you telling me?Fynn’s voice had grown hoarse with emotion.

The mental link snapped like a rubber band. I had less than five minutes if I wanted to beat the wave to shore. I brought the image to mind, concentrating hard on the tiny details. If this went wrong, I could end up sitting in the same spot, or for all I knew, I could end up blinking into another realm.

Keeping my eyes closed, I pulled at my magik and power. I spoke about what I intended to do and prayed my chaotic abilities wouldn’t fail me.

I blinked.

My body slammed into submerged rocks. I opened my eyes and saw to my relief that I was on the beach. The buildings and businesses from Fynn’s image were exactly where they should be, even down to the placement of light poles and trash cans.

Water pulled at my body, dragging me across bits of sharp rocks and jagged shells. I had intended to teleport myself to the shallows and then shift before walking onto the beach. I must have miscalculated because I was lying on my stomach in water too shallow to cover myself. I glanced over my shoulder and instantly realized why.

The water was rushing out to sea, leaving the shoreline littered with shells and debris. Children squealed in delight and ran to collect treasures to put in their tiny rainbow-colored buckets. Adults lifted their cellphones, recording the strange scene in front of them.

“RUN!” I screamed until my throat ached. When several of the cellphones swung my way, I knew I had made a mistake. I should have shifted before drawing attention to myself.

“What is that thing?” a man’s voice shouted.

“Is that what is causing the water to disappear?” a woman asked.

“I’m calling the police! Don’t let it get away!” another male commanded.

Since awakening, I had thought often of introducing myself to humans. I’d played out one scenario after another. Every single one had ended badly, and now I was living one of my worst nightmares. I was an ‘it,’ a ‘thing’ to treat with disgust. My heart hurt from shame and anger.

“Stop! Jill! Come back!” a mother screeched in horror. Her daughter ran toward me, throwing her arms around my neck.

“Mermaid!” The tiny human clung to my neck, giggling happily. Tilting her head so she could look into my face, she placed her small hand on my cheek. “Pretty.”

I awkwardly patted her back. It would take time to grow comfortable being touched by anyone other than my mates.

A roar in the distance brought my focus back to the dire situation we were facing. I looked out over the sea, my stomach dropping to the tip of my tail when I saw the wave rising from the sea.

“κοριτσ?κι,” I hesitated. She wasn’t likely to understand Greek. I tried again. “Little girl, you need to go to your mother. The beach isn’t safe. I need you to run.”