I was dying.

A dart whistled through the air, embedding itself in Storm’s shoulder. It must have been a doozy of a tranq, because he collapsed on top of me almost instantly.

These men better hope Zosime never finds them. I was just upset I wouldn’t get to see it.

The sound of agonized screams yanked me from my own personal hell. I blinked rapidly and stared around in confusion. My throat burned as though I had swallowed acid. Who was screaming?

I knew who was screaming. It was me.

I’d just watched Kye get shot. They had taken Storm and Eason.

Rolling to the side of the bed, I vomited.

Tears of rage and loss blurred my vision. My mate had laid dying, and his last thought was of me. He’d found pleasure in the thought that I would avenge his death. He wanted vengeance.

Then he would have it in abundance. They would pay for what they had done.

Iheard Lokene shouting my name, but I didn’t stop. Running to the bow of the boat, I leaped into the water. The moment my body was swallowed by the sea, I called my magik and shifted effortlessly into my Siren form. I was ready to hunt.

In the past, when I hunted, my emotions had been sealed away. I could do my job without distraction. Now, emotions fought a war inside me. Grief, rage, agony, loss, anguish, and anger swirled within me like a hurricane.

I had believed that emotions hindered me from completing my missions, but I was learning that wasn’t completely true. My emotions were a driving force that pushed me harder than I had ever been pushed before.

The binding had done something other than show me my worst nightmares come to life. It had also strengthened the link between my mates and myself. They were still too far away for me to sense them individually, but the bond was strong enough to pull me to them no matter where on earth they might have been.

I focused, trying desperately to teleport myself. Surely, as a half Ancient with some crazy earth magik, I should be able to pull this off. I didn’t manage to blink myself to my mates, but I managed to blink myself a few feet.

Come on, Zosime. You are the Queen of Atlantis. You can do better than that.

Focusing hard, I tried to pull at the power that lurked beneath the magik. It didn’t move, but the earth magik responded.

This time I had focused on the horizon in front of me, to the furthest point I could see. Again, I blinked myself, and this time I went to the spot I had focused on. I had traveled nearly three miles in the blink of an eye. Smiling grimly, I focused on the horizon, blinking myself another three miles. Over and over, I repeated the process, my rage fueling my magik.

Fynn needs to tell you something, Lokene’s voice whispered through my mind.

I’m busy.I blinked again.

Zosi? Lokene is helping me to speak with you. There was an earthquake, just like we feared. It was 7.5 on the Richter scale.Fynn’s panic was palpable.

I don’t know what any of that means. Can’t this wait? I am busy.I wasn’t in the mood to talk about earthquakes. My whole world had been shaken, and my focus was on finding my mates.

Zosime, a tsunami has formed and is heading for land.I could hear the defeat in Fynn’s voice.

What do you want me to do?I ground my teeth together. Fynn was upset, and I wanted to be there for him, but I needed to take care of things first. Clouds had gathered overhead, blocking out the sun. Lightning crackled over my head as large drops of rain pelted the sea.

I don’t even know. I just thought maybe you could do something…Fynn’s voice trailed off.

Where is this tsunami going to hit? And when?I blinked again.

It’s going to hit the city where you are headed, and it will hit there in about ten minutes,was his soft reply.

How do you know where I am headed?

Because I know where Richard Jack’ headquarters is located. Lokene told me what you saw, and I know you are going after him.Fynn was somber.Zosi? Make him pay. Make them all pay.

Thunder boomed overhead, and lightning crackled across the sky.

In the vision, Kye wanted me to act as an avenging angel and gain revenge for his death. Fynn wanted me to act as a guardian angel and save the lives of countless strangers. Could I be both? For my mates, I would try.