Fynn and Kye grabbed their plates and an extra plate from the dining area and moved to sit on the cream-colored stones near the pool’s edge. Fynn handed a plate to Zeno.

I thought Kye would hand me the extra plate he had brought from the table, but instead, he took a fork and fed me bites off his own plate.

He didn’t intend for it to be seductive, but I found it one of the sexiest things on earth. This green-eyed, blonde-haired god was feeding me… while my other five mates watched. I blushed. It was tenderly intimate, and I loved him all the more for it.

The rest of my men gathered their plates piled high with food and moved to sit around the pool. I couldn’t help my smile. We were having our first family dinner. Maybe Zeno was on to something; surely we could spare a few days to rest, heal, and recover.

Looking at the tired but sexy faces around me, I knew I was going to enjoy the next few days.

* * *

The soundof a phone ringing awakened us.

“Hello?” Storm’s sexy morning voice sent desire vibrating through me.

I could only hear one side of the conversation, but from what I gathered as his thoughts filtered through my half-asleep mind, their boss was begging them to come back to the field. This was confirmed when Storm got off the phone, tossing it aside with an irritated scowl.

“I can’t believe this. Our boss, Dan, claims his boss called him and our presence is being demanded. There is new information that was discovered that they feel we need to look at.” The muscle in his jaw clenched.“We were supposed to be on leave. The only reason we were willing to leave you and Fynn was so we could tell them, in person, to lose our number for a while. Yet, here we are just days later, and they are demanding we return. Dan says that if we don’t report voluntarily, he is afraid they will send a team to drag us in. If we quit now, I have no doubt that they will still send men to collect us and force us to complete the job for the government as our ‘American duty.’” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to stave off a headache that was forming.

We had contracted with and worked for several military branches over the years. I would bet money that multiple agencies would track us down if news of our resignation, and subsequent free time, were to spread.

“That can’t happen! They need to stay as far away from Zosime and Atlantis as possible.” Kye looked distraught at the idea of putting her at risk.

Storm chewed his bottom lip, his expression grave. “There was also a serious breach last night. They found several of our guards dead. A criminal mining crew came in last night, armed and with heavy equipment.”

Storm sat down heavily on the side of the bed. “There was a devastating amount of destruction to the underwater rock face, which is where the last large pocket of Orpati was found. Who knows how much they managed to steal? There have been several tremors this morning from the area. The thieves escaped before they could catch them, which is why they want our help. They need us to see if we can hunt down a trail. It might still be possible for the miners to be tracked down.” Storm dropped his head into his hands.

“We know who is behind this,” Kye cursed viciously, shocking me.

“Of course, we know who’s behind this. Richard Jack, the self-proclaimed king of the modern world. The problem is, the man isn’t an idiot. He’s smart, and tracing this back to him is going to be nearly impossible,” Eason added grimly.

“It will be difficult,but it isn’t impossible. We can nail this guy. He thinks he’s above the law and smarter than everyone else, but he is not smarter than us.” I admired Kye’s optimism.

I didn’t know this man, Richard, but I had known many corrupt leaders throughout my life. They were incredibly difficult to take down.

“Yeah, we can take him down; we just have to go hunting.” Eason looked over at me, a sick expression on his face. “To do that, though, we will have to leave Zosi.”

“I could go.” Even to my ear, the offer sounded hollow. Truthfully, I wasn’t ready to face humanity. Nor was I prepared to interact with people of an era so different from mine. I needed more time to grow accustomed to the speech patterns and customs of this time.

“No!” my men shouted in perfect unison.

“As much as I would love to show you off to the entire world, it’s best for now that you stay hidden. These are nasty people we are dealing with, and they wouldn’t think twice about killing you, or worse, to use you if it helped them succeed in their goals.” Storm moved to kneel in front of me, taking my hands in his own.

I knew Storm was right, but I didn’t like how he seemed to doubt my ability to be a useful part of our team. I wasn’t worried about being able to handle the bad guys… That was ‘no sweat,’ as Kye would say. The part that worried me was trying to fit in with modern-day humans. I wasn’t sure I could do it, at least not yet.

Lokene laughed. “They don’t doubt your abilities, little warrior. We are aware that you are the deadliest of us all. What they are doubting is their ability to stay focused on their mission with your cute butt right there beside them. The only things these men think about is expressing their love to you and making love to you. I would say they were a bunch of saps, but the truth is, I find I’m not so different from them.”

My brows rose, nearly disappearing into my hairline. I looked around the room at my mates. “Is that true?”

Eason refused to make eye contact and rubbed at the back of his neck, embarrassed. Kye blushed, his suntanned cheeks turning a rosy red hue. Zeno huffed and sank below the water’s surface.

Storm was the only one to look me in the eye, his expression filled with such love that my stomach clenched, and my eyes burned with unshed tears. “Yes, it is absolutely true. After my dad died, these men were the only family I had. I love them, and I would give my life for theirs. I have dedicated my life to serving my country and protecting those around me. I love my work, but I have loved nothing in my life as much as I love you, Zosi.”

Eason cleared his throat. “He’s right, Soldier. I grew up with the family, if you want to call it that. I don’t remember my Ma or Pa ever saying a kind word to me. What I do remember is how it felt to be beaten, how it felt to have their hands slap me for things I hadn’t even done wrong. I joined the military the moment I turned seventeen, forging my paperwork to get in early just so I could escape from my home life. I didn’t care if I lived or died. Storm found me and changed the world for me. He saved my life. Literally.

“The day Storm saved my life, I knew I would never walk away from our brotherhood.” Eason’s eyes swirled with dark emotion. “But I would, Zosime. Soldier, I’d walk away from everyone for you.”

The tears that had burned in my eyes now spilled over, slipping down my cheeks and falling onto my lap.