I looked at the monstrosity that he had called a boat. “How is this going to work?” I motioned at his tail. “Can you shift forms between legs and a tail?”

“No.” He drew out the word, his brow knit in confusion. “Are you telling me you can?”

“Yes, I can shift between forms, although I am far more comfortable with my tail than with my legs at this point.” I blushed as I thought about how I wobbled like a newborn deer on my human legs.

Interest sparked in his eyes. “Now that is something I would like to see.” The look he gave me was filled with lust. Leaning in, he gave me a lingering kiss on my lips, one that had the tips of my tail curling.

Finally pulling back, he ran a finger along my jawline. “Come, Lokene seems to have thought of everything.”

Grabbing my hand and slipping an arm around my waist, he pulled me under the cool water. We swam beneath the vessel’s hull. The water caressed my injured body, giving me a moment of relief from my pain.

I gave Zeno a puzzled look, turning my palm up in a gesture meant to ask where we were going. He jerked his head toward the surface and began swimming upward.

We surfaced on the opposite side of the boat, and I looked over to ask him what was going on. Before I could ask anything, the whine of an engine caught my attention. Studying the boat, I saw a small door on the side, lifting like a hatch. It wasn’t large enough for a boat to fit through, but it was definitely large enough for Zeno and me.

“Is that—” I began.

“Yes.” Zeno snorted. “It seems your Ancient has thought of everything. After I returned from delivering my sister to Atlantis, Lokene found me and told me to enter through this door. It was smart to save energy, and I suspected he already knew where you were, so I took him up on the offer.”

Zeno reached out for my hand, pulling me along with him as we entered the ship through the small doorway. The area opened into a beautiful room with a large saltwater pool.

It wasn’t the size of the glimmering bathing pools of Atlantis that I remembered so well, but neither was it a tiny pool. There was just enough room for Zeno and me to splash around comfortably. I glanced beyond the pool into the open area beyond it, and my mouth fell open in awe.

“Well, it’s about time you joined us. I thought Zeno had decided to have his wicked way with you,” Lokene joked. He strode toward us, an elegant glass of bubbly liquid in either hand.

Handing them to us, he dropped a kiss on my forehead and stepped back expectantly. I took a sip, wrinkling my nose at the cold beverage burning my nose. Why would anyone drink this stuff?

“Welcome to our new home, Soyale!” Lokene spun in a slow circle, indicating the ship. I couldn’t help but smile; his happiness was contagious. My eyes trailed around the room, briefly landing on the small dining area that held just enough seats for our family. There was a cute little stove and a—what was the word? Oh! Refrigerator.

The floors were a beautiful natural stone that reminded me of the smooth sandstone roads that ran throughout Atlantis. Lokene caught my eye and grinned boyishly. He had read my mind again, and he had chosen these floors, hoping to ease my homesick soul.

For the world, Atlantis, if it even existed, had been gone for many millennia, but for me, I had lost my homeland, my family, and my troops only a few weeks ago. Now, with my emotions returning, I missed my loved ones and my home.

Blinking back the tears that burned my eyes, I took in the rest of the room. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped me when I saw the bed. Could that enormous pile of pillows even be called a bed? It took up almost a third of the room.

“Oh! I see you found my masterpiece.” Lokene rubbed his hands together in… anticipation, I think. “It is large enough that all seven of us can fit in it at the same time.”

“Um. All of us?” Kye squeaked, looking around at the other guys, discomfort showing on his face.

Lokene raised an eyebrow and gave Kye a smirk. “Yes, it’s big enough to hold us with no one being forced into cuddling anyone else. If we put Zosi in the middle, we can all sleep around her.”

My hands slid around Zeno’s waist. “Almost all of us.”

Lokene lifted one shoulder carelessly. “I can give him legs temporarily if you want me to. Heck, you can give him legs! If you do it, we are less likely to get in trouble with the Ancients.”

“I don’t know how to do that! I just learned how to give myself legs!” I appreciated how much he believed in me, but in this case, he was overestimating my abilities. I wasn’t a full-blooded Ancient.

“It does not matter,” Zeno cut into the conversation. I’ve had a tail my entire life, and I am not keen on giving it up—at least not at this time.” He turned toward me, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. “I will enjoy my time with you, here in the water.”

“Suit yourself.” Lokene didn’t look like he cared one way or the other.

“Is this yours? The boat, I mean?” I questioned Lokene.

“No, it belongs to Zosi. Our family has members who live in the sea.” He motioned toward Zeno. “And members who live on land.” This time, he motioned toward the men who were eating at the table. “It only makes sense that, for the time being, we have a home that can accommodate both the land and the sea lovers,” he finished. I couldn’t fault his logic.

“Thank you.” I hated how inadequate those two words sounded. I’d been worrying for hours over how I could be with all my mates, and yet Lokene had found a solution. I let out a sigh of relief.

As I breathed in, I caught the tantalizing scent of fish, bread, and spices. My stomach growled, and my mouth watered. I still needed blood, but I also wanted food.