The things this man was doing to my body shouldn’t be possible. My emotions were bound by the Ancients, and only they were able to undo it. Yet the stone encasing my heart had begun to fracture just being near these men. With Kye’s hands and lips on my body, the walls had started to crumble, and pieces of my emotions slipped through unchecked.

It was utter chaos inside me. Atlantean, warrior and Siren all struggled against each other. Each nature trying to push forward and gain control. I fought against my inner turmoil, determined to have this time with Kye. I wasn’t sure how long my control would last, so I needed to make every moment count.

My immense relief at knowing he was not bonded surprised me, but the bigger shock came when he said that if it were possible, he would bond with me that night. His thoughts were jumbled, so I couldn’t understand every sentence, but those words were crystal clear, and he meant them. The turmoil inside me stilled instantly, the abrupt silence deafening.

That’s when it happened. The three sides of me decided in that moment to become one. I had been able to use one or two aspects of my nature at the same time, but never all three. We weren’t prepared, but that made no difference. The Atlantean had found her forever love, the Siren had found her delicious mate, and the warrior had found her perfect partner. The fractured parts of me were in agreement for this small window of time.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies together. Water twirled around us in a sensual dance and our mouths joined in the motion of the dance. Kye grew impossibly harder, and his kisses turned from gentle to hungry. I had a sneaking suspicion of why that might be, but I would have to explore that line of thought later.

Kye’s manhood pressed against the apex of my thighs. Yes, my sex was in approximately the same area as it would be on a woman with legs. My skin tingled and burned, and I couldn’t wait any longer to feel his touch inside me. I slid my hand down until I touched the most sensitive scales. While all my scales were just as sensitive as my skin, the scales in this area were extraordinarily so. Using two fingers, I pushed aside the scales on either side of my most private spot. The tiny, scaled lips blended seamlessly with the rest of my scales, hiding my sex completely.

My finger slipped inside the heated channel, ensuring I was well lubricated. I needn’t have worried. Moving my other hand away from his neck, I maneuvered it between us until I could wrap my fingers around his thick erection. Kye gave an involuntary jerk and groaned into my mouth.

His unexpected lurch caused me to again nick his lip. The delicious spicy taste of his blood exploded in my mouth. Nothing had tasted this amazing since I had awakened. I was forced to drink blood to survive. The taste didn’t repulse me, but it was more about survival than savoring a meal. It had been a challenge to pull back the first time I tasted Kye’s blood. I needed him. His body, his blood, and his love.

Kye’s hips jerked, his heavy erection moving in my hand as he sought relief. No more waiting, we had a lifetime to explore each other’s bodies. Moving away from his mouth, I sank my fangs into his neck. At the same moment I lined him up with my slit and with a flick of my fluke, I sheathed him inside me in one hard thrust. Our bodies slammed against each other; his hot member buried as far as it could go.

My eyes rolled back in my head and for a moment I thought I might pass out. There was a sharp pain as he stretched me past the point that was comfortable. I hadn’t given myself time to adjust to his size slowly in my eagerness to have him in me. To my surprise, the edge of pain aroused me even more and I teetered on the edge of my release.

Kye must have experienced similar sensations. When his pulsing erection had been shoved inside me, slamming against my walls, he had growled through clenched teeth. He grasped me tightly against him, his chest shuddering with each breath he sucked into his lungs.

“Don’t move. If you move, I will lose it. Give me a minute, please.” His teeth were still clenched. “You are so tight, Zosi. So tight.”

His voice sounded pained, and I worried I had hurt him. I released his neck to say, “Are you injured?”

“No, nothing like that. I’ve never felt anything this good.”

I said nothing, instead sinking my teeth back into his neck, unable to resist the aromatic scent of his blood that made my mouth water. I felt his body pulse inside me in response to the bite.

Gradually his grip eased, and I took that as my cue that he had regained control. I began to undulate my tail in the water, my pace unhurried. The motion moved him in and out of me. The feeling of him rubbing along my walls had me growling against his skin. I tried to go slow, but the Siren could wait no longer. The water around us had continued to swirl, but now it sloshed and splashed as my pace grew faster. The rocking undulation of my fin had Kye’s member thrusting in and out of me. Each time he sheathed himself, our groins banged together.

Kye never tried to take over, instead he gripped my hips and allowed my tail to rush us toward our release. His fingers dug into my hips as I moved us faster and faster. Our breathing was little more than small panting gasps. Kye kept his head tilted to the side so I could continue to drink from him.

Stars glittered in my vision, and my stomach clenched. With two more hard slips of my fluke, the coil inside me sprung free and my orgasm crashed over me. My body shook as wave after wave of pleasure rocked through me. Kye shouted my name, his body stiffening as he followed me over the precipice. I could feel his erection pulse as the evidence of release filled me. The feeling of his body jerking inside my tight walls sent another orgasm shuddering through me. I screamed his name in surprise and dug my nails into his skin as I clung to him.


He was mine. Forever and always.

I pressed my hand against his heart and my mouth to the spot where I had bitten him. For a moment I stayed still, savoring this moment as we became one. I was no longer alone in the world. I still had so much to figure out, but I would not face it alone. Pulling away, I watched the magik swirl along his skin. It should have been the gold of the Atlanteans, but instead it was the color of my glowing scales. The magik etched a shimmering tattoo from the skin above his heart, up to his shoulder, and finally connecting with the imprint of my teeth. The bite mark was incorporated into the intricate design, not hidden, but a part of the tattoo.

“Αν ?πρεπε να ζ?σω τη ζω? μου ξαν?, θα σε ?βρισκα νωρ?τερα.”

I met Kye’s startled gaze. “I understood you,” he whispered. “You said, ‘If I were to live my life again, I’d find you sooner.’ How am I able to understand you?”

“Because we are one. You are mine, and I am yours.”

I kissed the full lips of my handsome mate, ready to find more ways to enjoy each other’s bodies. I felt the answering stir of his body still inside me. This was going to be a deliciously long night.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting ricocheted around the cave. There were no entrances to the little cave, the only way to get it was to go through the underwater tunnel. The chamber was about sixteen by twelve feet. It was dry, although water sloshed onto the dark rough stones around the mouth of the tunnel. The ceiling was almost solid rock, patches of velvet black sky and stars could be seen through small holes, and it also allowed us to hear some of the sounds from the outside world.

I stilled against the hard muscled planes of Kye’s body and my instincts kicked into overdrive. Emotions were trying to break through the magik barriers that held them back. I had just bonded with my mate, and that left me feeling raw. Atlanteans disappeared from society for several months after bonding. This allowed them to focus on the needs and desires of their claimed mate. It also gave both partners time to adjust to the physical and mental changes that came from an Atlantean bonding. I hadn’t had time to explain things to Kye, things that ideally, he should have been told before I sealed our bond.

What I was having more trouble controlling was the feral nature of the Siren. I had grown up as an Atlantean, but I had barely begun to understand the changes that had happened to my body as the ocean swallowed Atlantis. The changes to my body were obvious, but the mental differences and instincts were unfamiliar and less predictable. The second row of teeth dropped down behind the first. My mouth tingled and I tasted the sweet taste of toxin. That had been a shock, one more ability that had manifested when the need arose.

Voices grew louder, carrying across the water. They wanted my mate. He was going to be taken from me. I couldn’t go with him unless I wanted to risk being captured. For a moment I thought about dragging them all beneath the waves, then they wouldn’t be able to take Kye from me. But recognizing the voices as belonging to his friends on the boat, Storm, Eason, and Fynn, I knew it would be impossible to harm them. They were mine too, although I didn’t know how Kye would take that. We had much to discuss and learn about each other.

Atlantis had very open ideas regarding love, and relationships of all types were common. It was not uncommon for there to be several people in one relationship. From the thoughts I had picked up from the humans of this time, multiple partners in a single relationship was less accepted and often considered strange. I would honor his wishes, but I hoped that Kye would consider the ways of my kind.