Was I imagining it, or had her fangs grown longer? That wasn’t possible. I think. We bobbed, water washing over my head. She was twitching her tail like an irritated cat. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity, but I was currently in the water, butt naked, and at the mercy of an angry fanged mermaid.

“No! Josie is a common female name. One of my commanders had a wife with that name.”

She continued to glare at me through slitted eyes, not bothering to hide her fangs. Water washed over my head, forcing me to begin treading water. The water stirred violently, her tail stirring it up.

“What…what does ‘bonded’ mean?” I asked between spitting out mouthfuls of saltwater.

The tightness around her eyes eased slightly, and although her tail continued to churn the water around us, the movements were less erratic.

“Among my kind, bonded is a covenant between two people to become mates for life.”

“Oh! Like marriage!”

She tilted her head, considering my words. As stupid as it sounds, I could have sworn she was downloading information or talking to someone telepathically.

“Yes. That word is the closest in meaning to my people’s word for bonding.”

“Then no. I am not bonded, and I have never been bonded.” I huffed a laugh. “I haven’t ever wanted to be bonded. Not until tonight. Until you.” I couldn’t believe the words tumbling out of my mouth, perhaps it was because this was just a dream. But that didn’t change the fact that every single word was true. I would bond to her that very night if given the chance. I imagined someone officiating a ceremony from the side of the cave to marry a naked man and a mermaid, and chuckled.

Zosi floated back up against me. I wrapped my arms around her and relaxed as she took over swimming for both of us.

“You would bond with me tonight?” Her sultry voice sent goosebumps across my skin.

“Without question. I’d love nothing more than to bond with you tonight.”

“Okay.” She smiled and moved up to capture my lips. This taste of honey and salt danced across my tongue, and just as before, my body instantly flared to life. The effects from our previous make-out session hadn’t worn off, and I had been growing more tired with each minute that passed. When she had pulled away, the symptoms became worse. I could think of nothing but sinking inside her and claiming her as mine.
