I still don’t know who she is. West has been with the police for the last few hours, but he’s been popping back in now and again just to check on North’s recovery. Liz came for a while but left to go help South and East. Apparently, they are now neck-deep in the stuff going off in Mexico.

He’s doing okay, but they need to run checks on his major organs to see if there has been any lasting damage. I swear, I will do some damage to whoever has done this. I still don’t understand why. And how the hell did she think she would get away with it?


“Hey, you’re awake!” I jump up out of my chair and place the gentlest kiss on his lips.

I thought I’d bloody lost him. When the ambulance brought him in, his pulse was so erratic, he was grey, and he was wet through with sweat. They were concerned he was going to have a heart attack.

“Don’t try to talk. You have to rest.” I grab the call button and press the symbol with a nurse. “I need to tell the doctors you’re awake, okay? They need to check you over.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you when they have said you’re okay.” I lift his hand and kiss his fingertips. Oh, God, I love this guy so much.

“Okay.” He groans, and his eyes close again.

The doctors come in, and I explain that he came round for a few seconds and has drifted back off again.

They confirm that the drug was ketamine, and that the dosage was very nearly fatal, but because he was brought in quickly, they were able to administer treatment to head off the effects. His blood tests are looking better, and the tests they have run are looking positive. If he comes round without any after-effects, he should be able to come home in a day or so.

“The doctors said he’d come around for a bit?” West whispers from behind me, making me jump.

“Yeah, it’s all looking okay, for now,” I reply. “West, I know you’re secretive about stuff, but what the hell was all this about?”

“A distraction, Kara. They used North as a distraction. Whilst we were chasing our tails trying to make sure North was safe and put everything in place, the fuckers in Mexico were making their move. That’s why when we tried to get Zed on the phone, he didn’t answer.”

“What’s happened? I didn’t think it was happening yet. Xander said Thursday.”

“He did, but they must have been tipped off and moved earlier. It was lucky that Zed and the team knew something wasn’t right.”

“Who was the woman?”

“We don’t know yet. The police are still interviewing her. They said they would bring a photo up later to see if you recognise her. They won’t even give me a name yet. She is still claiming that she’s his girlfriend, and he had done too much coke. The police haven’t told her they have had the toxicology reports back.” He rolls his eyes. “Dumb bitch. As if we would let him go in there completely on his own.”

“How did you know he was in trouble in the suite?”

“I bugged it just after you came back. Not because of you, but because if anything happened, we would be able to know what was going on. Don’t worry. Tonight has been the first time I have even logged in. That photo prank was bad enough.” His shoulders shake as he laughs slightly.

“Oh, okay. So, I should thank you, then. Especially with Xander and the threats.”

“No, Kara. He’s my brother, and you are my fiancée’s best friend. You are also family. I will do whatever it takes to keep us all safe, even if that means crossing some unorthodox boundaries.” He dips his head and then looks back up at me.

“You’re not a bad lass, Kara. I couldn’t wish for a better friend for Sutton. Just have faith in yourself. Oh, and while I’m in a nice mood, when the hell are you coming back to work? The files are a right mess, North’s office looks like a shit tip, and Alicia is stalking the hell out of every male going.”

“I thought she was with that Drake guy? You know, the rock star?” I ask. “East was pretty upset when she saw the pictures online.”

West laughs again. “He fucks anything that moves. Alicia was a stunt to try and clean up his image, but he couldn’t stand her. He sent her back after a couple of weekends. But don’t let on to East, though. She has a major crush on him, and he is a complete dick. If she thinks he is with Alicia, it’s better for her. He would fuck her up, and then I would have to kill him, and that would surely cause me significant issues with Zed.”

“Why Zed?” I ask, confused.

“Miss Simpson, Mr. McGarry?” the doctor interrupts.

“Yes?” West stands to greet the doctor.

“I have some really good news. All of North’s results are back, and there is no damage whatsoever that we can see. We will need to run some more in a month’s time just to be certain, but once he has come around fully and can walk on his own, he can be discharged. I imagine he will sleep for at least another twelve hours, though, so it will be better if you go home and rest.” The doctor flicks over some pages on the chart from the bottom of the bed and writes down some figures, clicks some buttons on the machine, and then leaves with a smile.

“I’m not leaving him, West. No way.”