“That’s fine. You don’t have to. I think it was just a suggestion. I will see if I can get you something more comfortable to sit on if you’re going to be here all night.” He smiles again.
West McGarry is not normally a smiley type of guy, unless your name is Sutton, that is. He comes across as moody, but he’s not. He’s just a thinker and a planner and an all-around kickass guy. I didn’t know him before he met Sutton, but I can tell she has changed him—for the better.
Half an hour later, a porter comes into the room with a big comfy chair, a footstool, and a blanket. I thank him and take a long look at North sleeping like a baby before getting comfy and falling into a deep sleep, holding his hand.
Chapter 48
Isortofrememberbeing in the hotel suite. Then, I ended up in the hospital. I just don’t remember why. I’ve woken a few times through the night, and each time, Kara has been in the same position in the chair next to the bed, holding my hand.
She must sense I’m more awake than the other times as she stirs and opens her eyes.
“Hey, good morning.” She yawns.
“Good morning to you too, Princess. You don’t look very comfy over there on that chair. Come and lie down next to me here.” I pat the space on the bed.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea. The nurses are due back at any moment to do your observations and give you some pain relief.”
“I don’t need any pain relief. I don’t have any pain,” I say honestly. I really don’t. If anything, I feel more refreshed than I have in a long time.
“Hmm, that’s probably because you have had a magic drip to flush out your system of all the toxins.”
“What toxins?” I feel my eyebrows scrunch together. I have no idea what she’s talking about.
“You were drugged, North. Last night in the suite, you were drugged. Did you recognise the woman in the suite?”
“There was a woman? Oh, shit, Kara, I don’t remember anything.”
“I thought I’d bloody lost you. Again! You big idiot.” She groans.
“What the hell happened?”
“I think it’s best if we wait for West, and he can fill you in on everything. There’s more to this than just you ending up in here, and I don’t want to get any of it wrong.”
Frustration builds, but I know she’s right. “Hey, are you not supposed to be seeing Xander tonight?” I ask.
“Yes, I’m still going, but I don’t know what good it will do now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… Mexico has already happened. Thank God Zed and the team were waiting and were ready early. It could have gone so bad. West thinks they were tipped off about the timings and moved it up. Anyway, stop digging. West will tell you everything. More than I can.”
I need to get out of here. I don’t want to be here a second longer. I feel like a real piece of shit. I’m laid up in the hospital again whilst West and Zed put their lives on the line.
“Princess, can you get my clothes? I want to get dressed.”
“Erm, slight problem there. West hasn’t brought any yet, and you were brought in here naked with just a blanket. I’ve not been back to the house, so I’ve not been able to grab you anything. Plus, you were out of it, so I didn’t see the point.”
“What the fuck, Kara? I was naked? When were you going to tell me that?” I yell at her. “I want to know what happened, and I want to know now.”
“Well, if you’re going to be a fucking drama queen and shout at me, you can wait till West gets here. I’ll go and have a coffee in the cafeteria seeing that you seem to be well now.” She stands and walks to the door.
“Kara! Stop! Tell me what happened. You can’t just leave me like this. If it were you, I would be telling you everything.”
“Fine, arsehole. You went into the suite and shouted for whoever was supposed to be there. You poured a glass of whisky. Then, after about five minutes, you passed out. Some woman who we still don’t know stripped you naked. She took your clothes to the waste bins at the back of the hotel then came back up and tried to drag you into the living area. West knew something wasn’t right because he has the suite bugged, and he sent security to stop whatever was going to happen to you. They apprehended the woman, but she is not talking.”
“Kara, did she… You know… Do anything?”