“Does she need legal representation?” I ask quickly.

“No, Kara isn’t under suspicion of anything, but we do need to discuss why she visited Xander Forde and then Ralph ended up taking his own life.”

“That’s none of your fucking business,” Kara fires back at them.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Kara. We need to know the topic of your conversation and if you knew what he was planning.”

“I will repeat myself one more time. It. Is. None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business. My conversation with Xander was confidential. If you want to know what we talked about… ask him.” Kara fumed.

“I can’t ask him, Kara, as he is not allowed visitors. Which is why we were shocked when you were granted visitation. You must have people in really high places. All we want to know is what your connection is to Mr. Forde.”

Kara slams a glass down on the work top and, at first, I think it’s going to smash.

“If you have no other questions for me, I am going to my room. South, can you see them out? North, can you come with me, please?” Kara grabs my hand in a vice-like grip and pulls me through the door and up the staircase.

Fuck, she is either pissed off or scared. I am about to find out which.

Chapter 40


Howthehelldidthey know I had been to the prison, and why do they want to know what my conversation was about? This is all to do with Ralph. I know why he took his own life, and it had nothing to do with taking the blame for Stella. He knew that Xander was behind his attacks, and those attacks were never going to end. He would keep going until Ralph ended it himself. Mission accomplished.

I’ve had a few days to put all this straight in my head, and it all adds up. Xander can’t and wouldn’t get his hands dirty, but the fact still remains that they hurt me and Sutton and tried to sell us. Xander would never let that go unpunished.

Sunday morning comes all too soon. I want to see my dad and get some answers, but I am also nervous as hell. I feel like I’m being watched, but that’s because I am. North has put a security detail on me, and he is now insisting on coming with me to the prison.

In a blink of an eye, I am standing outside the same room where I was not even a week ago.

I am guided into the room and offered the same seat. As I sit, the door opposite opens.

“I am pleasantly surprised to see you so soon, Beautiful.”

“Well, again, I’m not really here of my own free will, but I am happy to be here,” I reply.

“I believe you had a visit from two detectives?” He laughs.

“Yeah, and I told them if they wanted to know about our conversations, they were to ask you. After all, it was you who did all the talking. I wasn’t allowed to even ask questions.”

“Good girl. And yes, they did come to ask. They wanted to know what our connection was. I told them you are working on some investments for me.”

“Oh, okay. Well, I can go with that.” I stumble a little at the blatant lie. I know it’s dangerous if people know who I am to him, but it stings a little.

I clear my throat. “So, I need to ask if you know anything of a place called the beach cove.”

He nods in reply.

“Right, so...? What do you know?” I wait for a reply, but he doesn’t speak.

“North took me to Mexico the day I left this prison. No one knew we were going, not even me, but apparently, we disturbed someone or something, and they made our life hell until we left. We were there for twelve hours.”

Xander bowed his head, closed his eyes tight, and took a deep breath. “I heard.”

Stammering, I ask, “So, what’s going on?”

He raises his eyes to meet mine. He has a deep stare that almost breaks my heart.

“There are children, Kara. In a similar boat to you and Sutton. That’s all I can tell you, but Zed will understand. Tell him exactly this: ‘the children are in the same boat.’”