“Right, got it.” I keep saying it over and over in my head.
“I need North to keep a close eye on you, and West to keep close to Sutton. Things could get a little bumpy for a while, but the tide is turning, and things will smooth out soon.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Tides and shit? North is already stuck to me like glue, and Sutton is in the hospital with her babies. We are all perfectly safe.”
“That’s good, then, but be on your guard. If there are any problems, you and North come to me and only to me, do you understand? Do not talk to those two idiot detectives. There is something not quite right about the woman.”
“I know. She looks familiar, but I don’t know where from. At first, I thought she looked like one of the girls who was abducted with us, but she obviously isn’t.”
“Hmm, leave that with me. That actually makes a little sense to me. I will look into it; don’t worry about it. I will deal with anyone interfering. You can be sure of that.”
“I meant to ask last time I was here. When do you think they will let you out?”
“That all depends on how this next piece of business goes. If I do well, I could be out in a few months. If it doesn’t, then it could be another couple of years. I have a debt to pay to the Agency, Kara. When I am out, and we can talk freely, I will tell you everything, but until then, please keep coming to see me. Even if it is only for information, I really enjoy seeing you. You look so much like your mother, but I can tell you have my genes. I think your next visit should be on Thursday at 7:00 our time, don’t you think?”
It’s a weird request, but I nod and agree. The buzzer sounds, and the guards come forward to collect Xander.
“Don’t forget to tell Zed. Oh, and tell him when our next visit is.”
My heart breaks as they lead him away shackled and cuffed. Is he really a bad man? Is he really so dangerous? The people he has killed have hurt and murdered so many others. This is where I need my moral compass. How do I even begin to have a relationship with someone branded a monster?
Back at the house and in a secure environment, I call Zed and pass on the details. He seems to understand the cryptic clues, but he wouldn’t let me in on the secret.
Not long later, West bounces through the kitchen.
“Sutton and the girls can come home in a few days if they continue to feed well and gain weight and there are no problems.” He buzzes.
South, however, rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath. Lucky for him, West doesn’t catch him or there would probably be another problem to deal with.
“When’s your mum coming back?” I ask, hoping he’s not going to expect me to be on beck and call twenty-four hours a day. I don’t mind helping, but I’m not really a kid person or, rather, I’m not really an adult that kids like. I know North is worried that I will get all clucky over the girls, but it’s the furthest thing from my mind.
All I want is a normal life. To work, have holidays, a nice car, and a few quid in the bank. That’s it. No wish for fame or fortune, just peace and the love of a good man. Oh, and possibly a dog.
“She is coming back just before Sutton comes home. Everything is ready. If it gets too much, Sutton has agreed to hire a nurse, but she wants to try to do it on our own first. I don’t think we could trust anyone around them with the way things are at the moment.”
“Sherie is coming over at the end of next week, so that will be another pair of hands to pitch in,” I offer, knowing that Sherie will be all over those girls like a rash.
South raises his head. “Who’s Sherie?” he asks.
“She’s a friend of Kara and Sutton. They have been a terrible trio since school.” North laughs. “You’ll like her. She’s French, very pretty, and a bit of a character.” He continues laughing. I, on the other hand, am filled with jealousy. So, he thinks she is pretty, huh? Right. Game on, Big Man.
West can see North’s words have got to me a little and changed the subject.
“So, you went to see your dad? Did it go okay?”
“Yeah, he gave me a message for Zed.” I continue to tell him about the cryptic message and that I have to go back at a certain time on Thursday. I’m still not getting the full picture, but I can sense it’s all connected when West rushes from the room with his phone clutched to his ear.
These bloody men and their secrets will be the death of me. And probably literally. They never let me in until it’s either too late or I lose my shit. So, you can probably tell what’s coming next…
“North, can we have a few minutes alone please?” I purr at him, fluttering my eyelashes like I’m offering him his favourite treat.
“Of course, Princess. Anything for you.”
“Upstairs now, Big Man.” I wink, and he follows. Like a moth to a flame.
The bedroom door shuts with a loud bang as North slams it behind him. The grin on his face makes me feel slightly guilty.
As he stalks towards me, I raise both hands in front of me.