Page 10 of Lost Love

“Your cunt is delicious,” he said, pulling out momentarily for air.

I looked down, his eyes dark and dirty. He pulled his tongue back, and I whimpered at the loss, but I was soon moaning as he lapped at my clit while his fingers teased me, in and out. He fucked me with one, then two at a time, increasing the pace.

I couldn’t handle the pressure. My body coiled around him, and my thighs tensed. I released my grip on the sheets and reached for his head as he dragged his mouth on my nub, blowing cold air.Fuck.Every nerve ending came alive, and I exploded, this time with his name on my lips. My chest rose and fell, my heart about to take flight.Holy hell.

Delirious, I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling. The next thing I knew, everything faded to black.

* * *

A headache throbbed between my temples, and I squinted, trying to open my eyes, but the daylight was too bright.

Where was I?

After my eyes adjusted, I turned to my left. Connor laid beside me, a sheet loosely draped across his lower half, revealing his bare chest. Chiseled muscles contoured down his front to his delicious V.

Everything about last night came flooding back—his hands on my skin melting the fire he lit between my legs and his tongue inside me made me reach new heights Jake hadn’t even attempted.

Guilt should have plagued me, but it really didn’t. Knowing Lourde was with Connor’s best friend, Barrett, I didn’t feel all that guilty. Did that make me a rotten friend? Probably. Would Lourde understand? Most likely, but she didn’t need to know. We hadn’t technically slept together.

The last thing I recalled was lying sated after two orgasms and closing my eyes with him beside me.

The throbbing in my head was getting worse. I needed to do something, but before I slipped out of bed, I picked up the sheet with a pincer grip, stealing one last peek of his thick and oversized shaft. I tiled my head admiring him and quickly shook away the thought of waking him up with my lips around his girth.

One night only.

Buck-naked, I tiptoed around his bed, trying not to wake him as I searched for my clothes. Bunched up beside his armchair was my designer red dress.

My G-string?Where was it?

I tiptoed to the opposite side of the bed, eventually spotting it underneath its corner. I tugged the edge, and it sprung free. Then I was on the search for my bra. Not too much further from my panties, I pulled out my bra, well, what was left of it. Torn apart from the front, I giggled out loud. Quickly stifling my laughter with my spare hand when Connor rolled over, I stilled, expecting him to wake up, but he didn’t. I searched for the other half but gave up when it wasn’t nearby.

The red-hot memory of him ripping it into two and squeezing my tits woke up my lady parts. Hungover as all hell, they wanted to come out and play. I shook my head, trying to push aside the thoughts that raced through my mind.

No, it was just a one-time thing.

I bundled up my things and walked out gingerly, closing the door behind me. As soon as it clicked, I slid on my panties and dress, zipping it up as far as I could go before it jammed. Realizing the zipper was broken, I still tried to force it further, but it didn’t budge.

Oh, fuck it.

My head was like a sledgehammer.

I walked from his bedroom into the living room, and located my Vuitton purse, then took out my phone.Dammit—three missed calls from Jake and a message flashed up on the screen.

Jake: Miss you, Pepps.

Ugh, I hated it when he called me that.

I groaned. My head ached like a bull in a cage, relentlessly pounding at the gates. I tossed my phone in my bag, not wanting to deal with Jake now, and rubbed my temples as I scanned his kitchen.

Surely, Connor would have something for pain relief. It was common knowledge Connor had upped his drinking, so much so that Lourde had voiced her concern to me just recently. He had to have something. I opened cabinet doors in his vast kitchen that stretched the length of the ten-foot marble countertop, trying to locate it. Eventually, I found a tub full of pharmacy products.

Thankfully, the bottles were clearly labeled, so I quickly found the Tylenol and pulled it out before putting the tub away. No matter how quiet I tried to be, each noise echoed in my aching head. Locating a glass, I filled it with orange juice from the refrigerator and popped the cap, unable to stop the cringe that pinched my face from the obnoxious sound. Carefully, I shook two into my hand and threw them in my mouth. After swallowing them down, I drank the rest of my juice, grateful for the reprieve from the dry mouth I had.

Massaging my temples, I willed them to work their numbing magic. While I waited, I needed food. Greasy food. I had two options. Do the walk of shame and sneak out or stay and make us both something. Laying my fingers on the marble counter—a piece of art in its own right—I contemplated my next move.

There was no escaping Connor. Even if I snuck out today, we’d cross paths again. Whether it was with Lourde, a family event like the charity ball next week, or just in the street, we didn’t live too far from one another.

Realizing that, I stayed. We were both adults. I was using him to get over Jake and he was, well, he was any day now about to propose to the stunning six-foot Francesca, the socialite daughter of Duke Cavendish and his American wife in an arranged marriage. Maybe he was letting off steam.