Page 11 of Lost Love

We were both adults in need of something last night. But we hadn’t actually slept together. Dragging my hand to my lips, I remembered the earth-shattering orgasm he gave me and imagined what it would feel like to have him inside me. I cast aside the regret and instead focused on breakfast.


Opening the double refrigerator doors, I quickly found bacon and eggs. It wasn’t my usual breakfast of sweet pastries and fruit, but that wasn’t what I craved now.

A pounding headache demanded a grease feast.

I was busy making breakfast when my phone buzzed, and I groaned out at the distraction, then reached for it on the counter. Turning it over, I sighed in frustration.Jake, again!

Last night at the party, he’d messaged me several times, which I ignored. Then he said he was downstairs and wouldn’t leave until I came down and spoke to him. Either that, or he’d try and barge his way into the party. Even though I knew that was a lie, his incessant texts eventually wore me down.

Against my better judgment, I’d agreed to meet him, but we just ended up arguing. He begged me to take him back, making promises I knew he couldn’t keep.“All I did was kiss a woman at work a handful of times. It never went further.”

He begged me to take him back, swore all he’d done was kiss a woman at his work a handful of times. He promised me black and blue he hadn’t done anything more. Jake could be an asshole, but he wasn’t a cheater, unlike his buddy, Hunter. After a while, I was sick of going back and forth and arguing about the basic principles of a relationship being trust. Eventually, I think he felt sorry for me and gave up. He left while I remained out front, trying to comprehend the last year I’d spent with Jake and what I wanted.

After half an hour, I walked back inside Lourde’s apartment building with a hazy head and still hadn’t come to any conclusion. The doorman opened the entrance door for me, and as I walked into the foyer, well, that’s how I wound up here, making breakfast.

“Pepper.” I quickly looked up and put down my phone.

Connor strolled toward me, and I couldn’t ignore how his sweats clung to his waist as he drew closer. I took in his tanned chest and broad shoulders momentarily before dragging myself up to his line of sight.

“So about last night.” He cast his eyes down to the opening of my half-zipped dress. “I think you’re missing this.” He split into a grin as he held up a piece of my torn bra.

“You owe me a bra.” I smirked, hearing the pan sizzle behind me.

Was I the only one realizing this wasn’t as awkward as expected?

He moved toward the counter, sliding onto the opposite-facing barstool, then his gaze fell to the Tylenol.

I edged it toward him. “Hangovers are a bitch, aren’t they?” I said, turning to open the refrigerator. Then, lifting the jug of juice, I poured him a glass.

“Worse than death,” he said, taking the glass from my grasp. His thumb brushed my hand, and I ignored the warm sensation spreading up my arm.

He gulped it down in one go, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed, and my lady parts said hello.


“Yes.” I breathed out, feeling hot all of a sudden.

“Do you want to burn my place down?”


The smell of smoke woke me up, and I spun around to find smoke billowing from the stovetop.

“Shit… oh my God!” Quickly, I reached for the gas knob, shutting it off. Then, reaching for a hand towel, I flapped it back and forth, trying to disperse the smoke from setting off the smoke alarm. I swear I looked like my own, yiayia.

“Sorry!” I laughed aloud. When the smoke had disappeared, I looked down at our breakfast. “Crispy bacon, anyone?” I sighed. Downright black and crispy with minimal pink left, our bacon was destroyed.

I overheard Connor laugh, and it put me at ease. “I’ll eat anything right now. As long as it’s food,” Connor said. “You seemed to have found your way around with ease,” he said with a smirk.

I picked at the best parts of the bacon, cutting off most of the black bits, then added the eggs and dished them onto the two plates beside the stove. “Well, I’ve been here a few times with Lourde.”

“True, but I’ve not feasted on your cunt before.” I whipped my head around, finding him swiping a hand through his blond hair with a grin the size of the Taj Mahal playing on his lips.

“No, that’s a first,” I said, twisting my lips.

“So a normal person should probably apologize for last night, but I’m not sorry.”