Page 29 of Beyond the Horizon

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as she rests her forearms against the bar, waiting to get Lola’s attention. A light sheen of sweat covers her skin, and my thoughts go to a dirty place, one where she’s spread-eagled on my bed after a long session of fucking…me.

“Jesus, get a grip man,” I mutter to myself.

“Would you like another drink?”

“What?” I snap, glaring at Connie as she looks at me with wide eyes. I’d like to taste something, but it certainly isn’t beer.

She steps closer, her gaze flicking between my face and my hand holding the beer a little too tightly. “I said, would you like another drink?” she repeats, nodding towards my now empty bottle.


“You look like you could do with another…?”

“I don’t accept offers of a drink from kids,” I say, unkindly.

“Ah, I see. Back to that again.” She pauses, as though deciding something. Eventually she rolls her eyes, and I have the sudden urge to drag her back to my boat and punish her for it with a few stinging slaps to her pert little arse. “I’m not a kid. I’m eighteen and I’m pretty sure half the men in here know that too.”

Is she provoking me?

A grumble releases from my throat as I turn fully to face her. I don’t care that my cock is hard. I don’t care that I’m looking at her like I want to fuck her, and I certainly don’t care about the other men in this place staring at her in the same damn way.

“I’m taking you home.”

“What?” Her pretty plump mouth drops open in shock.

“You heard me. I’m taking you home. This is no place for you.”

“Like hell you are!” she bites back, folding her arms across her chest defensively, which only serves to push her breasts up higher.

“Ma Silva isn’t going to be happy about you flirting with all these men and being a tease.”

“Flirting?! A tease?! I wasdancing, having fun. You should try it sometime!” Her face flushes a deeper pink with her indignation before she turns away from me and walks directly into Jack’s arms.

“You alright, Connie?” he asks her, barely able to hold himself upright. The little douchebag is drunk. He can’t even focus properly, not to mention that his hands are on her fucking skin.

“I’m fine,” she bites out through gritted teeth, even though her body is stiff with anger.

Jack seems to make a quick assessment of the situation and looks over at me. “What did you say to her?” he accuses, puffing out his chest like some peacock, because let’s face it, he’s no alpha wolf.

“That’s got fuck all to do with you.”

Connie spins on her feet and glares at me. “Stop being an arsehole, Malakai. Jack is my friend.”

“I don’t care. He needs to get his hands off you before I do it for him!” I growl back.

Jack, full of bravado and beer, moves Connie to the side and faces up to me. “Say that again,” he taunts.

“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her!” I repeat, stepping closer and towering over the little weasel.

“Whoa! Cut that shit out!” Lola appears by my side, forcing us both back. “What the hell, Malakai?”

“He’s drunk. Connie needs to go home,” I snap, glaring at the little son-of-a-bitch who now has his arm wrapped around Connie’s shoulder. He’s swaying, pulling Connie with him as he stumbles. They both fall sideways and without thinking, I lunge forward and grasp for Connie, hauling her upright and against my chest whilst Jack falls to the floor. A moment later, Connie’s two girlfriends appear, the blonde is crouched down next to Jack whilst the other is staring at me and Connie with wide eyes. I realise too late that she’s almost flush against me, that she’s shaking with.. fear, anger, desire? Fuck. Putting space between us, but still not letting her arm go, I glare at Lola, at every-fucking-one.

“I’m taking Connie home. Now.” With that, I turn on my feet, pulling Connie through the throng with me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Connie shouts the moment we are outside and away from the crowd. She tries to yank free from my hold, but I refuse to let her go. A tiny voice is urging me to release her, but I ignore it.

“What the hell is wrong withme? I’m not the one acting all coy one minute then provocative the next. Are you looking for trouble, is that it? What are you trying to prove?”

“I’m doing no such thing and you are being a complete and utter overbearing tosser. Who do you think you are?”

She’s seething. I don’t blame her, I am being an overbearing tosser and yet, I can’t seem to help myself. I’ve never felt such fury. All those men watching her, fucking her with their eyes, thinking dirty, salacious thoughts. I know that I’m right, because I am one of those men. Goddamn it to fucking hell.

“Well?” she demands.

I narrow my gaze, pulling her into my body then lean down and press my nose against her pulse just beneath her ear. “I’m the big bad wolf.”