Page 28 of Beyond the Horizon


A living siren in the flesh.

She calls to me. To that part of me I thought I buried deep down inside. She awakens something I thought I’d never feel again in this fucking lifetime.

Everything about her is dangerous, perilous, like a crop of rocks hidden beneath the ocean waves. She’ll tear my hull, she’ll pull me apart, dragging me into her depths until all I can do is swim to the surface and hope I don’t drown.

My heart thunders, my cock hardens, my gaze narrows, my breathing stutters, yet I don’t look away, I don’t heed the warnings. I allow myself to absorb every inch of her sinful curves, her rosebud mouth, her heart-shaped face, her bare sun-kissed shoulders, her slim arms and the curve of her tits as she moves seductively in time to the music.

“Holy fuck,” I mutter under my breath, needing that beer. Needing it now.

Painfully, I tear my gaze away from Connie and suck in a deep breath trying to steady the rushing, pounding pulse that thunders around my body ending up in my cock. It hardens painfully, but I can’t do a damn thing about it. Not a damn thing.

It’s just as well that no one is paying any attention to me. Lola is busy behind her makeshift bar talking to some guy I’ve not seen before. Rob is still waiting to grab our beers and everyone else is either dancing, drinking or chatting.

The atmosphere is thick, humid. Swelling with portent, with warning. Just like the air before a storm. Already my skin is slick with sweat, and I push my hair off my face feeling the heat pouring from my skin. Where’s that fucking beer?

I need to quench my thirst. I need to get fucking drunk. I need tofuck.

Pushing off the wall, my feet move of their own accord towards the counter and Rob and Lola who are talking now. She hands him two beers, looking up at me with a smile in her gaze.

“You decided to come after all?” she asks.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I remark, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ll be closing up soon.”

Taking the bottle from her, I turn my back against the counter and take a deep pull from the ice-cold beer. It helps a smidge.

“I told them to back off,” Rob says, raising his voice over the music.


To be fair to Rob’s crew, they’ve done exactly what he’s asked, though I see a number of them still staring at Connie and her friends, including the little arsehole who was hugging her earlier. I can only surmise that’s the boy, Jack, whom she’s mentioned a couple of times.

Little prick.

In fact, right now his gaze is firmly fixed on Connie’s arse that’s swaying to the music. She’s oblivious to all the men staring at her, oblivious to their attention with her eyes still pressed shut and her sweet mouth forming the words to the song.

Knocking back the rest of the beer, I slam the bottle on the counter. “Give me another. Rob too,” I demand, tapping my fingers on the wood impatiently. Lola rolls her eyes.

“Mind your manners, Malakai. I might hit like a girl, but I can still throw a punch.”

Rob smirks, winking at Lola who chuckles. I don’t mean to be an arsehole, it’s just the way I am. “Sorry,” I mutter.

“Apology accepted,” Lola responds, grabbing two more beers then moving off to serve someone else, leaving me to watch over Connie and her friends. Though I barely notice them. One is small and blonde, the other has dark hair. Neither hold a candle to Connie.

Her beauty is otherworldly. Thank fuck she’s so unaware of it.

The song ends abruptly, only to start up with another track I’ve never heard before. It has a low bass, a kind of throbbing sound. Everyone cheers. Connie’s eyes snap open, grinning as she smiles gleefully at her two girlfriends. One of them, the blonde, leans over and whispers in her ear, nodding in my direction. Connie’s head whips around and she stares right at me.


If I wasn’t being a complete creeper, I might not have noticed the way her eyes widen just a bit and her cheeks flush a deeper pink. But I am, and I do.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

When she starts pushing through the crowd and walking towards me, my mouth goes dry and I swear to God, my knees go a little weak. My cock, however, that’s hard as stone. Turning my back to her I lean against the counter and lift the second bottle of beer to my mouth, knocking it back in one long glug.