“No, it isn’t okay, Asia,” she says, before returning her attention to Kate. “As much as I hate to admit it, Camden’s right, youarebeing a bitch.”

Kate shakes her head, giving us all a disgusted look. “I’m not staying here a second fucking longer,” she snaps, snatching her arm back and striding from the canteen. Over the other side of the room I hear Monk’s laughter and I know it’s aimed at us. The little prick is loving this.

“I should go, make sure she’s okay,” Pink says apologetically. “We’ll see you later. I’ll make sure she comes.”

“Thanks, Pink.” I smile weakly, feeling suddenly exhausted. I can take a lot of things, Ihavetaken a lot of things in my life, but harsh words from friends I care about cut far deeper than wicked comments from arseholes I don’t.

* * *

After period six,I head back to my room and wait for Kate and Pink. There’s a couple hours downtime before we need to be back in the canteen for dinner. Not that I’m very hungry.

After ten minutes of waiting, I hear a soft knock at the door. Drawing in a steadying breath, I let Kate and Pink in.

“Thanks for coming,” I say, urging them inside.

“You can thank Pink for dragging me here,” Kate says, folding her arms across her chest defensively. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Jesus, Kate. Just let Asia speak,” Pink huffs, yanking her arm and pulling her to the bed. They both sit as I pace up and down in front of them. “I’m not sure where to start…”

“How about at the beginning,” Pink says, smiling kindly.

“Yeah, from the beginning…” I grab a cigarette from my drawer and light it. When I’ve taken a deep lungful and blown it out, I tell them everything. Kate and Pink sit in stunned silence as I give them every detail. I even tell them about the kisses I’ve shared with each of the boys, including how Camden and I made out on the beach in the pouring rain that day after the fight. Lastly I tell them about Ruby and how Monk had abused her so badly she tried to take her own life. By the time I’ve finished, I’ve smoked three cigarettes and am feeling lighter than I have in weeks.

“Fuck, poor Ruby…” Kate hushes out.

“Yeah, it’s fucked up.”

“Jesus, Asia. You really know how to make life difficult for yourself, don’t you?” Pink exclaims. “I need a stiff drink.”

“Right now, I could do with a drink,severalactually.”

“I can’t believe you’ve kept this to yourself. That’s some heavy shit, right there.”

“I know. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a mindfuck.”

“I bet,” Pink agrees. “So, let me get this straight. We’re going off-sight Saturday to meet the guys who own this place, as well as Ford’s sister Grim- who Camden fucking hates- to try and figure out how to get you all out of this mess?”

“That about sums it up, yeah…” A heavy throb begins to pound in my head with the stress and the worry that I haven’t allowed myself to acknowledge until now. “I’d never admit this to the boys, but I’m fucking terrified. What if the King finds out and hurts Tracy and Braydon, Camden’s mum? What if he comes afterus?”

Kate stands, her eyes trained on my face. “No. That won’t happen. We won’t allow it.”

After a beat her face crumples. Tears slide down her cheeks as she strides over to me and pulls me into her arms. “I’m so sorry, for everything,” she mumbles, squeezing me tightly.

“I know. I’m sorry too, about all of this. But most of all, for dragging you both into this mess.”

“You’ve had to deal with this shit all on your own. You’ve had to hold yourself together for everyone. Now, we’re going to be there for you,” Kate adds vehemently, pulling back and wiping her hand over her face.

“Kate, I swear didn’t want to hurt you, but I had to protect my family. There was no other way. Then after I found out about Camden’s mum and I began to get to know the person he hides from the world. I knew I couldn’t fuck him over. Icouldn’tdo it.”

“I get that. I understand now. I only wish I wasn’t such a bitch to you, Asia. I jumped to the worst possible conclusion based on my past experiences. It was wrong.”

“You weren’t that bad. I knew you were hurting.”

Pink snorts, getting up to join us. “Oh, come on. Shewasa first-class bitch, let her own it. We’re just lucky you ain’t the typical girl on the block who’d rather stab us with a knife than protect us from our enemies. Fortunately for those boys, for us, you’ve got that big heart hidden inside of you coupled with a core of steel. You’re badass, Asia, do you know that?”

I laugh, shaking my head. I’ve bloody missed this girl. Missed them both.

“Seriously, I’m not fucking joking.Fourmen. How the fuck are you going to figure that out?” she asks pulling a funny face. “Is that even physically possible, you’ve only got three holes…”