“And two hands,” Kate deadpans, before bursting out with laughter.

“Oh, my fucking God. Remind me why I wanted to fix this friendship, again?”

Pink grins. “Because you love the shit out of us, just like you love every single one of those misfits of yours.”

“I don’t love themall…” I protest.

“Yeah, say that to me again in a church with the Pope looking on. Pretty sure the lie won’t be as easily told whilst God’s right-hand man is listening in.”

“Oh, shut-up,” I retort, giving her a friendly punch.

“Now let’s hug this shit out and get fucked on Kate’s stash of weed, yeah?”

I can’t help but laugh. “We can totally hug it out, but smoking weed probably isn’t the best idea you’ve ever had. Mr Carmichael is cracking down.”

“Are you shitting me? Mr Carmichael owes you one. I’m pretty sureifhe caught us smoking a zoot he’d let us off given all the crap you’re going through right now.”

“Exactly,” Kate agrees, putting her hand down her top and pulling a bag of weed and some papers from her bra. Pink bursts out laughing.

“You’re carrying around Mary-J in yourbra? Jesus, Kate.”

“Well, it’s not as if I’m letting anyone feel up my tits, is it? Seems a good a place as any.”

“Come on,” I say, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Where to?” Pink grins, pulling open my bedroom door.

Kate nudges in front of us both. “I know the perfect place. Follow me,” she says.

The three of us sneak into the west wing of the main building and into the room I found Kate in that day she told me about her past. As we enter the room and sit down waiting for Kate to roll a joint, I feel stupidly giddy about having my friends back. I didn’t realise quite how much I missed them until today. Part of me knows this is a stupid idea, but a bigger part is done with playing by the rules. It’s been a stressful few weeks and I need a moment to just let loose.

“Here,” Kate says, passing me the joint after taking a drag. She closes her eyes, leaning her head back as she blows a steady stream of smoke out of her lungs.

“You know, Kate, you’re an anomaly. You gave me and Pink such a hard time for smoking and here you are doing just that.”

She pops her eye open, and grins. “Marijuana ismedicinal. Everyone knows it, but the government won’t make it legal because the big pharmaceutical corporations don’t want to go out of business. It’s better to fill everyone with synthetic crap than actually use something natural to help ease symptoms of pain…”

I look at Pink and we both burst out laughing.

“What, it’s true!” she complains. “Plus, this spliff is pure Mary-J, no tobacco at all. I refuse to fill my lungs with that shit.”

“Fair enough,” I retort, taking a deep toke on the spliff before passing it to Pink.

“So who’s the best kisser?” Pink suddenly blurts out. She looks at me with glassy eyes, and a mischievous look on her face. I groan.

“Don’t ask her that!” Kate says, elbowing Pink in the side.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re not just a tiny bit intrigued…”

Kate pulls a face. “Alright, maybe just a little.”

They both giggle, the Mary-J well and truly in their blood stream now.

“So, who’s the one who rocks your socks the most?” Pink insists.

Clearly neither are going to let this go until I tell them. I puff out my cheeks then exhale a long breath. “They’re all so different. I can’t really say,” I start.

“Okay, but one of themmustpip the post and make your fanny flutter just that little bit more,” Pink says, covering another burst of laughter.