Ifind out what group I’ve been placed in later that day when Mr Burnside collects both me and Ruby from my physiotherapy class last period, just before it’s due to finish. We’ve learned a hell of a lot about the human anatomy over the last few weeks from our teacher Sally, who’s fast becoming one of my favourites. She’s a cool chick, brainy, kind. I like her.

“What’s up, Mr Burnside?” I ask, as we follow him along the hallways past classrooms filled with students who I know are just as mind-fucked over this new rule as I am. Since breakfast talk of potential groupings has gone wild.

Kids are angry. Fucking furious, in fact.

It’s one thing to be forced to attend Oceanside Academy, quite another to be coerced into groupings not only in therapy but outside of it in our own free time. I’m not entirely sure Mr Carmichael or Mr Burnside know what they’re doing. Shit like this could cause a goddamn mutiny. I know better than anyone that the anger everyone feels is covering up their true feelings…fear. No one wants to be grouped with someone from an opposing crew.

No. Fucking. One.

“Nothing’s up, Asia. Just introducing you to your new group.”

“Does that mean I’m in Asia’s group too?” Ruby asks, her gaze meeting mine.

Mr Burnside stops outside the gym. “Yes, it does. You okay with that?”

“I guess that depends on who else is in the group,” she replies nervously.

I know what she’s thinking because it’s the same thing I’m thinking too. What if he’s placed us with Monk? I can handle that dick, but Ruby shouldn’t have to deal with him more than she already does.

“Let’s meet your new companions,” Mr Burnside gives Ruby a genuine smile and me a brief nod. My stomach is turning over with the thought of who I’ve got to spend the rest of my time here with.

Stepping into the gym, Mr Burnside stands aside allowing us to enter. The first thing I notice is the boxing ring that has replaced all the gym equipment. To the right, sitting in a semicircle with Cal in attendance are Sonny, Ford, Eastern, Pink, Kate and Camden.


You can cut the tension with a knife.

Eastern’s leg is bouncing up and down. Sonny is glaring at Cal who’s ignoring him. Both Ford and Camden are looking at me, the former seems relieved and the latter is gritting his jaw so hard I fear he’ll have a mouth full of broken teeth. Pink is puffing out her cheeks and Kate is staring at her hands.

Oh, fuck.

“No fucking way,” Ruby says, stepping closer to me as if she expects to be jumped at any moment.

“Take a seat, Asia, Ruby,” Mr Burnside says, shutting the door behind us both.

The only seats left available are either side of Camden. I sit on his left, Ruby on his right. Eastern’s leg bounces harder.

Mr Burnside stands next to Cal, then clears his throat. “So, I’m guessing this has come as a surprise.” He waits, and when no one utters a word, he continues. “You can make this work, or you can choose to take the hard route. Either way, this is what’s happening.”

Still nothing.

Cal’s gaze lands on me and he smiles warmly. “I’ve managed to extract everyone’s names. Want to tell me yours?” he asks.

“Asia,” I respond, folding my arms and crossing my legs defensively.

“Nice to meet you, Asia.” His gaze flicks to Sonny and a look passes between them. I narrow my eyes. “I’ve heard a lot about you fromSunshinehere.”

“Don’t fucking call me that,” Sonny growls, looking far from sunny.

Ford grins but I just raise my eyebrows. “Oh, yeah, and how do you two know each other?”

Everyone looks at Cal, waiting for a response.

“Sonny is family, whether he likes it or not. My best friends look out for him.”

Sonny curses under his breath but he doesn’t deny it.