“I can, and I have. You don’t like it Monk, you’ll be the first sent back to juvie.”

“Motherfucker!” Monk grinds out.

“On Saturday night I’ve extended the curfew to 11pm and I will also allow one group the freedom to leave the site for an overnight stay on a designated weekend. This will alternate over the coming weeks, starting with group one. Mr Burnside will reach out to all of you throughout today and introduce you to your new group. He will also show you the list of trips you can choose from but bear in mind that you will be accompanied by a responsible adult oneveryouting. You’ll be babysat until we can trust you all not to fuck up.”

“This is more like prison than a fucking prison!” Monk shouts.

“Tell me of any prison that gives you the opportunity to leave the grounds for a night away?” Mr Carmichael challenges.

“We don’t need fucking babysitting.”

“Like I said.Myschool,myrules.”

“You can’t do this!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Monk. Icando this, and Ihave,” Mr Carmichael says before turning to Cal. “I think we have your first pupil. Want to escort Monk to the gym?”

“Sure thing, Mr Carmichael.”

Cal strides over to Monk, stopping before him. The whole dining room hushes as they wait to see what happens next.

“What do you reckon? Will he refuse or will he go?” I whisper to Camden under my breath.

“I want him to refuse, but he won’t. He doesn’t want to get chucked out of here and into juvie. He’ll toe the line with the teachers. Besides, Cal doesn’t look like someone you want to fuck with…”

“Yeah, I agree,” I say, watching Cal stare at Monk, daring him to disobey.

“What the fuck you gonna do?” Monk snarls, looking Cal up and down.

Cal laughs in his face, leans in close and in a hush voice says, “Your daddy ain’t here, son. So, I suggest you fucking walk with me or find out just how committed I am to kicking your arse right here in front of your crew.”

Camden and I look at each other in shock. What the fuck? Cal must feel us watching him because he turns to look at me and winks. He fucking winks as though there’s some kind of secret going on between us. The guy’s nothing more than a stranger to me.

“Come on. Let’s go warm up that ring,” Cal says, grasping Monk’s elbow and frogmarching him out of the room.

Camden immediately turns to me. “Want to explain what that was?”

“I’ve no fucking clue. Never seen him before in my life.”