I roll my eyes. “Have you seriously brought me in here to talk about relieving your blue balls? Just have a wank and be done with it.”

He laughs. It’s a deep, warm sound that makes me grin back at him.

“You’ve got some front; do you know that?”

I shrug. “Yep.”

“No wonder they’re crazy about you.”


“You damn well know who, Asia.”

Camden stares down at me as I look up at him. Neither of us move away, but he doesn’t try to touch me like before. He doesn’t try to steal a kiss like Ford or just kiss me to prove how much he cares like Eastern and Sonny. No, he waits for permission, acknowledgement from me that there is something growing between us. There is. I can’t deny it. Of course, I call his bluff.

“Anything else you’d like to add?” I tease, unable to help the flirtation in my voice whilst keeping my face straight.

A range of emotions flicker through his topaz depths. I can tell he’s desperate to kiss me, but he’s stubborn and refuses to make the first move. Well, two can play at that game. Besides, kissing him involves more emotions than I’m willing to risk right now. Kissing him takes me one step further over the line. Kissing him means I won’t hurt him and though I’ve already decided as much, thinking I won’t hurt him and making sure I don’t are two very different things. There’s so much at stake, so much to lose.

He raises his hand as though to touch me, but instead he places it flat against his chest, over his heart and gives me an earnest look that’s open, willing,honest.

“I kissed you in the maze when you weren’t ready and I apologise for that, Asia. The next time we kiss I want it to be a mutual decision. I want you towantmy hands on you, my lips on yours, my fucking tongue caressing your sweet, sassy mouth. There hasn’t been a moment when I haven’t wanted to make you mine in all the ways I can. Even way back when we first met at the party I’ve wanted you. You stood up to me like no one has ever done before. You weren’t afraid, you still aren’t. Nothing scares you. Not me, not Monk, not this place or the life we live…”

“You’re wrong, Camden. Everything scares me, I’m just better at hiding it.”

He frowns, concern replacing the honesty. “What are you afraid of? Tell me.”

Hurting you. Being the reason your mother forfeits her life. Not being able to protect Eastern. Losing my brothers to the care system. Falling for four boys, none of which know how I really, truly feel. The fucking King.

Of course, I don’t say any of that out loud. “I’m in an impossible position,” I admit instead.

“Because of me…?”


“Fuck man, knowing that makes everything so much harder because there’s nothing that could force me to let you go. I’m a fool for you, Asia.” He laughs then, shaking his head in disbelief at his own words then looks at me so intently that I have no choice but to look away. A heavy sigh leaves his mouth. “But I’m not a complete fool. YouloveEastern. You seem to like SonnyandFord. I might hate that fact, but it’s still true. You could destroy me just as easily as I could hurt you. The question is, which one of us will do it first?”

“I don’t want to destroy anyone,” I mutter.

“Sometimes when it comes to matters of this useless fucking organ, Asia, that’s all we ever do,” he says, tapping his fingers on his chest.

Camden steps away, leaving me alone whilst I try and fail to get a hold of myself and the warring emotions I’m feeling. One thing I do know for certain; life was simpler when I hated him.

* * *

During breakfast the following morning,Mr Carmichael walks into the dining hall followed by Mr Burnside and the rest of the faculty.

“Do you think this is about what happened to Sonny?” Camden mutters, as we both watch our school principal walk towards the self-service station.

“Maybe. Though if he wants to give us a lecture about safety, he’s two weeks too late.” The sarcasm is strong this morning.

He gives me a look, his eyebrow cocked. “I thought you liked Carmichael?”

“He’s alright,” I shrug. The truth is I do like him. Him and Mr Burnside are about the only two adults bar Tracy that I don’t think are complete dickwads.

“Carmichael didn’t believe a fucking word we told him about Sonny. He’s been shifty these past couple weeks. I’ve been waiting for something to go down. Looks like that’s about to happen.”

“Yeah, most likely,” I agree. Truth is everyone’s been waiting for the fallout of Sonny’saccident. I guess we’re about to find out what that’s going to be.