Camden shifts closer to me as we wait, pretending to get a better view of Mr Carmichael. He’s trying to be subtle about it, but I know that his thigh pressing against mine beneath the table is no accident. I try to hide my smile.

We’re sitting on the fringes of the rest of the HH crew at our own smaller table in the far corner. Monk is watching me with narrowed eyes like he always does, a calculated look on his face. On the other side of the room far away from us both are my friends, or at least I hope they still are. Fuck knows what’s going through Kate’s head given she’s gone even more mega ice queen on me. Pink’s sitting with Eastern who’s refusing to meet anyone’s gaze, in particular mine. Sonny is watching me closely, his arm in plaster and Ford just gives me a blank look, his mask well and truly down.

“Morning everyone,” Mr Carmichael says, standing by the self-service station. He leans against it, folding his arms across his chest. The rest of the faculty find a free table near the kitchen entrance and sit. The room slowly quietens as he waits for everyone to stop talking. He scans the room, his eyes landing on me briefly before moving on. Today he’s wearing a sharp tailored black jacket over drainpipe dark blue jeans and his usual Doc Martin’s. He’s got that smart-casual, punk-business thing going on. The guy’s got his shit together in terms of fashion. I admire him for it.

“I apologise I wasn’t here to greet you all properly at the start of this term. I’ve had quite a few things that needed dealing with urgently over the past few weeks that couldn’t wait. Now they’re sorted, I wanted to fill you in on some changes that are going to happen around here. Most of which you won’t like. Though frankly, I don’t give a crap.”

I smirk. People can say what they want about Mr Carmichael, but he most definitely isn’t your standard principal. He swears like we do, and he reallydoesn’tgive a shit about it.

“What the fuck?” Monk snarls under his breath. He looks over at Camden, who glowers back. Everyone around us starts muttering. A lot more swear words are uttered.

Mr Carmichael holds his hands up. “Quiet,” he insists. “When I’ve finished you can put your complaints in writing, and then I’ll ignore them. This is my damn school!”

Motherfucker. Dick. Arsehole. Prick. Wanker. Tosser. Gaylord.

They’re just some of the cusses falling like snowflakes out of jaded mouths surrounding me, littering the air and turning it blue. The atmosphere is as frosty inside as it is outside.

“Yes, yes. I’ve heard it all before,” he says, waving his hand in the air and batting off the cusses. “Fact of the matter is, last term things got out of control. This term things are already sliding.” He throws a meaningful look at Sonny telling me and everyone else that he knows Sonny’s broken arm was no accident, even though he can’t prove it. “That ends today. From now on curfew will be nine pm during the week. Anyone caught out of their rooms after this time will be punished appropriately.” He looks at Monk then and I can’t help but smirk. “Any fighting, there will be severe consequences. Anyone ganging up on another person, there will be severe consequences. Anyone caught taking drugs, there will be severe consequences. Anyone doing one damn thing that I deem inappropriate will be chucked out of this place and sent straight back to juvie before you can even blink. You may have grown up on the streets, you may live by your own set of rules back home, but this ismyschool andmyrules and if you don’t like it you can damn well sit out your sentence in a cell far away from here!”

“Yeah, right. Like that’s gonna be enforced.” Monk smirks, none to quietly.

Mr Carmichael looks directly at him, his eyes narrowing. “That’s where you’re wrong. We have a new member of staff I’d like to welcome to the faculty. Like me, likeallof you he knows what it’s like to grow up in an unforgiving environment. He’s taking up the role left vacant by Bobby as well as a new position teaching. Come in, Cal,” Mr Carmichael says, cutting through the stunned silence like a knife.

The doors to the dining hall open, and in walks a tall, good looking man with honeyed skin and a ‘don’t take any shit’ aura. Across the other side of the room, Sonny stands.

“You’ve got to be fucking shitting me!” he says.

Ford reaches up and pulls him back down. I’m assuming by his reaction that Sonny knows this man very well.

“Alright, Sonny,” Cal says, grinning.

Sonny scowls. I’m no lip reader but I’m pretty sure he just called Cal amotherfucking interfering bastard.

Cal saunters in with a confidence that only comes from growing up on the streets. He makes sure to look at as many of us in the eye as he walks past our tables. When he reaches Mr Carmichael, he grips his hand and pulls him for a brief hug. They bump shoulders as Cal slams the flat of his hand against his back. He turns to face us.

“As Mr Carmichael said, my name’s Cal. That’s what you’ll call me. I’m here on a secondment from my usual place of work. I’ll be the bastard that makes sure you’re all tucked up nicely and in bed by nine…and stay there,” he adds with a smirk.

“Fuck,” Camden grits out.

“And I’m also the man who’ll be ensuring all that violent energy that’s been bubbling up around here gets put to good use. You want to fight, you want to settle a score, then you do it inmyring withmein attendance. The way things are, I’m expecting to see all of you at one point or another. Right, Mr Carmichael?”

“Right,” he agrees. “Every one of you are going to learn how to box. You will also learn self-defence and discipline. No one gets a free pass. In fact, one of your free periods will be used for this purpose. No arguments.”

I hazard a glance at Pink and Kate who are staring at Mr Carmichael as though he’s grown another head. I’m betting they’re not going to enjoy this new change to the timetable. I, on the other hand, like the idea of punching the shit out of Monk without fear of getting sent to juvie for it. Bring it on.

“Carmichael has gone and lost the plot,” Emerald says, catching my eye. There’s fear there. Good. Can’t wait to see how she holds herself in a ring. I can’t help myself; I turn to look at Red, Bram and Monk, then wink. Red’s face pales, Bram scowls and Monk’s lip curls. His fists clench as he jerks towards me. Camden reaches over the table and grips his wrist.

“Don’t even fucking go there,” he grinds out.

Monk snatches his hand free, folding his arms across his chest. I just laugh.

“In addition to this slight change of timetable, I’ve also made some other adjustments that includes the group therapy sessions. I’m fully aware of the divide happening here and even though I’m not stupid enough to believe I can make you all friends, I want to try something radical…”

“Too fucking right. We ain’t got time for no fools,” one of Monk’s wolves pipes up, interrupting him.

“That doesn’t mean to say I’m going to sit back and watch you destroy each other,” Mr Carmichael continues, silencing him with one look, “Or that I’m not going to try and improve the situation. Mr Burnside has gotten to know you all pretty well by now, and he’s put together a new list of therapy groups based on his professional assessment of each of you. From this moment on I expect you to spend your time with your allotted group outside of therapy,includingsocial times. That starts today. You can’t do that, you’re out of Oceanside for good. No exceptions.”

“What the fuck? You can’t do that!” Monk stands, pushing his chair back. It falls to the floor behind him. I might hate the guy, but his reaction is what everyone else in this room must be feeling. This isn’t going to work.