Igo to bed Saturday night feeling tired, cold and fucking miserable. The whole week Kate’s been avoiding me despite our conversation on Monday. Sonny hasn’t attempted to speak to me again, though from the intense way his stare follows me everywhere I go, I know he wants too. Ford and Eastern have become closer, spending time together chatting. I even caught them laughing over a shared joke when I entered the dining hall midweek for lunch. A rumour is going around that Eastern has joined No Name crew and people are pissed. Monk especially. There’s no way of knowing whether that’s true or not seeing as we haven’t talked since the maze. Pink has been the only one who’s actually greeted me with any resemblance of friendliness, but conversation has been stilted seeing as I’m being watched by the rest of the HH crew twenty-four fucking seven.

All day today, the rest of the students have been mucking around in the snow that began to fall in earnest yesterday. I could hear their laughter from my room but refused to look out of the window to watch them. Part of me was envious of their ability to kick loose, to be free of their worries and have fun, even if that’s just for a little while. So, I kept myself to myself, refusing Camden’s offer of company, fighting off another migraine that has been intent on knocking me flat all day.

It’s been almost three weeks of going to lessons, building a friendship with Camden and avoiding any form of confrontation whilst I try desperately to figure out how to get Crown the information he needs without hurting anyone in the process. By the time I eventually fall asleep I’m beyond exhausted. So, you can imagine how pissed off I am when a strange tapping noise draws me out of my much-needed sleep.

When I glance at my digital clock, it’s just past 2am.

“What the flying fuck?” I grumble.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

Shaking my head, I slide my feet out of bed. It’s cold in the room, pitch black bar a shard of moonlight filtering through the gap in my curtains.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

I pad towards the window, the wooden floor cold on my bare feet. I’m not sure what I expected to see when I pull open the curtains, but Sonny wasn’t it.

“Oh, my fucking god, Sonny!” I whisper-shout, when I see him grinning at me through the glass, his breath frosting up the window even more. My heart’s in my mouth as I lift up the window. “Are you fucking crazy? You’re twenty feet up in the air and it’s fucking snowing!”

“Can I come in?” he asks, sliding his leg over the window ledge, cool as a fucking cucumber.

“Just get in here. You’ll break your damn neck!” I hiss.

“Cheers,” he replies climbing effortlessly through the open window, dropping little snowflakes all over my floor. When he’s safely inside I close the window back up and punch him on the arm. “I’d rather you fucking picked my lock! What if you’d lost your footing? You’d be dead!”

“Worried about me, Asia? I thought you’d stopped giving a shit,” he says, perching on the edge of the desk, shaking the snow out of his hair. He says it in a friendly manner, but the truth of his hurt is right there hidden beneath the humour.

“What are you doing here?” I say, changing the subject.

“I climbed down from the roof… pretty fucking slippery given the weather.”

I wait for him to start laughing. He doesn’t. “Are you shitting me?” My mouth drops open in amazement and he leans forward pressing the pad of his finger under my chin, gently encouraging me to close my mouth. A warm smile pulls up his lips, his dimples flashing whilst a shiver rushes down my spine from his cold touch.

“Nope. What can I say? I like climbing things.”

“You’re crazy.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“Jesus, Sonny.” I sit down on my bed and look at him, cocking my head to the side. “Seriously though, what are you doing here? More to the point why were you on the roof?” I ask, a sick kind of churning in my stomach. This can’t be good. Ford has been watching him like a hawk, there’s no way he’d allow him to come here like this. Then again, Sonny’s his own person. Ford can’t keep him on lock down twenty-four seven. Though I’m betting he’s been giving it a good shot. But the fucking roof?

“Didn’t you get the memo? There’s a gathering up there…” he says pointing upwards. “Aparty.”

“No, I didn’t get the fucking memo. What do you mean a party? And why couldn’t you take the goddamn stairs?”

“I’m surprised you didn’t know. Most of the school’s up thereincludingCamden, and I told you I like climbing.” He grins stupidly then, and I notice how large his pupils are.

“Have you taken something?” I ask.

“Nope. Just high on life, Asia.” He laughs. “I like doing things that scare other people. Danger is like a drug to me.”

“Yeah, I remember. Sonny the thrill seeker. Is that why you’re here now, because of the danger? You have a thing about climbing in and out of girls bedroom windows, don’t you?”

The second time I met Sonny was after he scrambled out of Red’s bedroom window after almost getting caught shagging her by Bram. The first time had been a week or so before at the courthouse back in London. I thought he was a player back then. That view has definitely changed now despite what I first thought of him. Though he still very much has the face of an angel and the mind of a sinner given the way he’s undressing me with eyes right about now.

He coughs, dragging his gaze slowly upwards to my face. My skin flushes under his scrutiny.