“I thought Max was going to kill me that day,” Sonny laughs, shaking his head and the lust from his eyes. “He gave me such shit after.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s a pretty stupid thing to do. Risking your neck for Red? I could think of more worthy girls to die for.” I respond, trying and failing not to show my jealousy. I fold my arms over my chest, only managing to push my braless tits higher up. I don’t have big tits, but they’re a handful and by the looks on Sonny’s face, appreciated.

He snatches his gaze away once more, sitting down on the bed next to me. “She wasn’t worth risking my neck for, butyou are. I’d climb the Shard if meant seeing you alone for five minutes. What the fuck is happening, Asia?” he asks, reaching for my hand and grasping it in his.

“Sonny,” I sigh, pulling my hand from his and absentmindedly fingering a loose strand of hair that’s fallen free from my messy bun. “Don’t do this.”

“You owe me an explanation. Ford won’t let me near you. Which, by the way, is pissing me the fuck off, and Kate said you had a fucking list… that you’d made your choice.”

“She did, did she?”

“Yeah, well, she actually said a lot more than that. Mostly how you’d stabbed us all in the back. She’s pissed. Hurt more than anything.”

I flinch, hating that Kate feels so betrayed. “So I’ve been told.”

“Wanna tell me what the fuck’s happening then?”

“Nothing’s happening. I chose Camden. That’s it.”

“You really don’t trust me enough to tell me the truth do you? I know you’re lying, Asia. You do this cute thing where your nose screws up exactly at the moment the lie is coming from your lips.”

“I do not…”

“Yeah, yeah you do. I notice. Iseeyou,” he adds, looking at me in such a way that tells me that he does see me. That he sees right through the lies. “Why don’t you trust me?” he asks again.

“It has nothing to do with trust…”

“Has this got something to do with Eastern?” Sonny shifts on the bed, twisting his body to face me. “He’s your best friend, right, someone you care about, and yet you’re with Camden.”

“I am.”

“You hadus.”

I meet his gaze, my own hardening and it isn’t because I’m angry at him or disappointed, quite the opposite in fact. I’m angry at myself because I’m making a fucking mess of everything. “What did you say to me before we broke up for Christmas, that you had my back regardless of who I choose. I’m guessing that was bullshit?” I say, defensively.

“It wasn’t bullshit but you’ll forgive me for being fucking shocked that you’ve sided with Monk and those fucktards who screwed you over. What gives?”

“I haven’t sided withMonk,” I spit.

Sonny raises his eyebrows. “You’re a part of Camden’s crew so whether you like it or not, you’ve sided with Monk. At least that’s what it seems on the surface.”

“No. Never. He’s still a wanker.”

“Is Camden such a draw that you’ll join his crew and put up with that arsehole for the pleasure?”

“Sonny, we’re going around in circles. I’ve made my choice. This is the way it is. Either you have my back, or you don’t. Regardless, I won’t change my mind.”

“Fuck sake, Asia. Why do you think I’m here now? I might not like it, but Iwantto be your friend. Trouble is, I can’t have your back because both Camden and Ford are making that pretty fucking difficult right now. Camden because he’s obsessed with you and won’t leave you alone for five fucking minutes, and Ford for some reason only known to him. This is doing my head in. None of this makes any damn sense to me. So, I can only imagine how Eastern feels. The guy’s fucked up over this.”

“You want to be myfriend?” I almost sayonly my friend. I’ve no right to be pissed off. I’ve no right giving Sonny these mixed signals. I realise how fucked up it seems to be saying one thing and doing the other. I never thought I’d be one of those girls, but here I am being just that. Flighty. Pathetic. I’m normally a straight shooter. I say what I feel. I have no filter. Yet here I am being a stupid little girl. I need to find those balls Eastern accused me of losing at the funfair.

Sonny leans closer. “Jesus, Asia. I want to be so much more than your friend. If I hadn’t made that clear before then I’m going to do that now. I was willing, Iamwilling to share you with people I believe actually give a shit about you but you’re not making this easy. I mean Camden, he might not be a complete headcase like Monk but he’s still a prick.”

“You’re willing toshare…?” My mouth goes dry, and my heart speeds up. This is not what I expected him to say.

“I’m willing to try.”

“That’s insane. Can you hear yourself?”