“Go speak with Eastern. Persuade him not to beat the shit out of Monk.”

“But…” My forehead creases with a frown.

“Mum is kept by a man I hate, not able to breathe without his fucking permission, Asia. She’s in danger all the damn time. One of these days I expect to receive a call telling me she’s dead. That he’s killed her. I have to make sure that never happens. In the meantime, I’m going to figure out a way to save her. Please, talk to Eastern. Persuade him not to retaliate. He’ll get his chance. Just not today.”

“What if I’m seen with him?”

“I’ll make sure you’re not. I’ll figure something out. Go now,” he retorts before striding away from me without a backward glance. I watch him walk across the frozen grass, his hands tucked into his hoody pockets, his spine straight, stiff. The second he’s disappeared inside the building I run towards the maze, entering by the side entrance.

* * *

I findEastern pacing up and down in the centre of the maze. He’s so furious that he doesn’t notice me enter until I’m standing right in front of him.

“Eastern, I saw what happened…” I start. He snaps his head up. For five agonisingly long seconds he stares at me, his anger buffeting against me. I tip my chin up taking every last drop of it and wait.

“You shouldn’t be here,” he finally grinds out. His fists are clenched tightly, so tight that the white of his knuckles are showing.

“Camden wanted me to speak with you. We saw what went down with Monk.”

“Camden sent you on an errand, did he?”

“No... yes,” I fumble. “I needed to see you. I know you need a friend right now.”

“And Camdenallowedthat? The fucking guy has you on some leash, Asia.”

“You know the score…” I remind him, taking a step forwards. The residual anger from his altercation with Monk lingers as he glares at me. He grits his teeth, nodding tightly.

“Oh, I’m fully aware of the damn score, Asia. You two are as thick as thieves these days.”

“Don’t Eastern. I don’t want to argue. We don’t have much time.”

“So what have you come to say?”

“You can’t challenge Monk to a fight…”

“What?! That dickhead just felt up Pink like she was a piece of fucking meat. He said some pretty sick things to her, and you want me to back off after everything he did to you? She’s your friend, Asia. At least she was. Has Monk taken up that role now?”

“Stop being a prick, Eastern. Of course he hasn’t,” I grind out.

“I’m sorry. That was out of order.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“I’m just so fucking angry, Asia. That little troll gets away with too much shit and no one is doing anything about it. All I keep thinking about is what he did to you. I know you had retribution. I know it. But you’remygirl, my fucking heart, and I can’t stand how he watches you like he’s waiting for the right fucking moment to pounce.”

“I get it, Eastern. I know he’s gunning for me.”

“Then let me beat the fucking shit out of him before he can hurt you again!” he shouts.

“Believe me I want Monk’s head on a stick more than anyone, but there are bigger things at stake here.”

“What things? What have you found out?”

“We don’t have long…”

“Asia, just tell me,” he demands.

So, I do. I tell him everything. By the time I’ve finished explaining Eastern has forgotten about his anger. “Monk’s the King’s son? What the fuck?!” he exclaims, his face paling.