“Yeah, my thoughts exactly.”
“And Camden’smum...” Eastern scrapes a hand through his hair, pacing up and down again.
“Yeah, the King beat her because Camden allowed me retribution.”
“That isn’t on you, Asia.”
“Yes, it is. Camden was punished in the worst possible way because hehelpedme, just like he’s doing now,” I say, as the distinct sound of a fire alarm rings. A minute later we can hear the teachers yelling at the pupils who are making as much noise as the alarm. Camden has caused chaos so I can have this conversation with Eastern.
“This is so fucked up.”
“No, it’s worse than fucked up. This isn’t just about our family anymore. That’s the part I’m finding the hardest to deal with, Eastern. We got Tracy and Bray out of immediate danger, but what about Camden’s mum? The King beat her to within an inch of her life. She didn’t deserve that, Camden didn’t. You took the deal to protect your mum and Bray. I took the deal to protect us all. But who’s protecting them?Who, Eastern?” I press. “None of those arseholes have his back. Not one.”
“Are you telling me you’ve changed your mind, Asia?” Eastern stops pacing, his whole body’s trembling. I go to him, cupping his face in my palms. My fingers digging into his skin.
“Not about taking the King down,” I say fiercely. “We’re both on the same page where the King’s concerned.”
“Ishouldhave gone to prison, served my time. This is my fucking fault. All of it.”
He tries to turn his face away, but I force him to look at me. “No! We’re all trapped by circumstance, by bad decisions made for the right reasons. You taking that deal with Crown has nothing to do with the King beating Camden’s mum. That’s onme. I fought Monk. I forced Camden’s hand. I was so desperate to free you from his crew that I didn’t see the bigger picture. I refused to see it.”
“Asia, you didn’t know about Camden’s mum when you made the deal.”
“You’re right. I didn’t. But I’m not an idiot, I do know there’s always consequences for the actions we take,always. Camden warned me his hands were tied, that he couldn’t release Monk from his crew, that he wasn’t the top of the fucking pecking order. But I didn’t want to think too deeply about that. I wanted Tracy and Bray safe and you out of a long prison sentence. I didn’t give a shit about Camden when I made that deal with Crown. Now I need to figure this mess out.”
I drop my hands wanting to scream at the unfairness of it all. Camden and his mum, the rest of the kids in the HH crew, they’re all are just fucking pawns in the King’s game. Chess pieces that he moves around to suit his own needs. None of them have any idea whether they’re going to be sacrificed for the bigger picture or forced to play on so he can win. It doesn’t really matter anyway; the end result is always the same. He wins and the rest of us lose.
“Jesus, Asia. This is such a fucking mess. In fact, this ismymess.”
“So help me fix it. Lay off Monk for now. Will you do that?”
He rests his hands on my shoulders and nods his head. “Yes. For you I’d do anything.”
“Thank you.”
“But you have to know that Monk will keep coming for Pink and Kate because he knows you care for them. If I can’t retaliate on their behalf they’re an easy target. They can’t fight like you and me.”
“Don’t you think I know that…?”
The fire alarm stops ringing and it’s our cue to get the fuck away from each other before someone finds us. But despite that, Eastern reaches for me. Grasping my cheeks in his palms, he presses a hot kiss against my mouth. It’s quick, brutal, and fucks me up more than I can say. Then he leaves. As I watch him sprint away from me, I realise the tables have turned, but even though I really, really want to, I can’t chase him.