“What the fuck have you done?” Eastern roars, slamming open the door to Mr Burnside’s office later that afternoon. Behind him I can see Kate. She looks flushed. Scared. Angry. Eastern has a split lip and a bruise forming under his eye. Blood dribbles down his chin, dripping onto the floor.

“Eastern, what happened?” I immediately say, as if I don’t know.

“What’s fucking happened? Are you shitting me, Alicia?”

I don’t correct him, not in this state. I’m not a complete idiot. Mr Burnside stands, moving around his desk quickly. He gets between Eastern and I. “Eastern, calm down.”

“I wouldn’t,” I warn, only for it to fall on deaf ears.

“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down, arsehole. This is between us.” He’s breathing heavily his whole body shaking with rage.

“Listen, you’re clearly upset but that doesn’t give you the right to come barging in here acting like this. Youneedto calm down, Eastern, for your own good. Once you do we can talk,” Mr Burnside says, holding his palms up, trying to placate.

“I don’t want to fucking talk. I want to fucking kill that bastard, Camden,” Eastern shouts.

“I get it, but take that anger out on the punchbag over there first,” Mr Burnside insists, pointing to one hanging in the corner of the room. It’s a new addition to his office that wasn’t there last term.

Eastern’s nostrils flare, his angry glare burning a hole right in my heart. “Eastern, the punchbag. Use it,” Mr Burnside orders firmly.

He nods, his jaw clenched tightly as he strides over to it and starts punching it with everything he’s got. Each smack of his fist hitting the leather makes me wince.

Mr Burnside blows out a breath then looks at Kate. “Can you tell me what’s happened?”

She steps into the room a little hesitantly, looking between us all. “Camden and Eastern fought in class over…”

“Over?” Mr Burnside prompts gently.

“Over Asia,” she sighs, wincing. She gives me a look that’s both worried, confused and pissed off. I guess the cat’s out of the bag. “Eastern refused to stay in class. I figured he needed a friend.” She shrugs, and for the briefest of moments, Eastern pauses, glancing at her.

“Thank you, Kate. I think it’s best you head back to your lesson now.”

“But…” She looks at me, at Eastern, wanting answers of her own.

“I’ll catch you later, okay?” I ask, sighing heavily.

“Go,” Eastern snaps, before smacking the punchbag again.

“Okay,” she murmurs, stepping out of the office and closing the door gently behind her.

Eastern is hitting the punchbag so hard it’s whacking against the wall with a loud thud each time, practically knocking him over when it swings back.

“Eastern…?” I say hesitantly, moving towards him. I feel like I’m wading through cement.

“Give him a moment, Asia.” Mr Burnside perches on the edge of the desk, his arms folded against his chest. He waits for Eastern to tire himself whilst I fiddle with my lip ring.

After ten full minutes Eastern finally calms down enough to look at me without wanting to rip the world to shreds. He’s sweating profusely, his dark hair stuck to his head, cradling one fist against his chest.

“Are you hurt?” I ask, stepping towards him.

“Hurt? Am I fucking hurt?” Eastern’s voice gets louder with every word. “This,” he says, holding up his fist, “is nothing compared to what I feel in here.” He crashes his fist against his chest, and I feel his pain as though it’s my own.

“Sit down, Eastern,” Mr Burnside orders. “Let’s talk about this. Tell me what happened.”

“Asia is now officially Camden’s. She’s his!” he seethes, hurt and anger seeping from every part of him.

Mr Burnside sighs, glancing at me. “You did it then. You went through with it.”