“Then let’s play. Who’s first?” Ford asks, looking between us all. His gaze lands on me, and a spark of challenge alights in his grey-green eyes.

“I’ll go.”

“Okay, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” I respond immediately.

Ford nods his head, his hay blonde hair flopping into his eyes. “Okay, who’s got something they want to ask Asia?”

“Yeah, I got a question. What do you see in that prick?” Camden grunts, narrowing his eyes at Ford.

“Fuck sake,” Sonny mutters, but Ford just shrugs and looks to me for my response. I’m guessing I’m not going to get away with saying he’s got nice eyes because although they’re pretty, they’re not the reason I’m so drawn to him. Taking a deep breath, I look at Ford and tell him.

“I see a kid who’s been scarred by the very people who should’ve loved him. I see a guy who wants to do right by the person he hurt the most and I see a man who will fight to the death for the ones he loves. I believe he’s a good person, Camden. That’s what I see even when you refuse to do the same.” Ford’s nostrils flare as my gaze flits from his to Camden’s.

“Well, fuck, that told you, Camden. Don’t ask the question if you don’t want to hear the answer,” Sonny exclaims.

“Whatever man.”

Sonny chuckles, loving this. “Okay, my turn.” He looks between us all until his gaze lands on Eastern’s arm that’s currently wrapped around my waist. “This one’s for you Eastern. Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” he responds immediately.

“Okay, truth it is. Is falling in love with Asia really as easy as it seems?”

Eastern’s fingers tighten on my thigh as my breath hitches. Did Sonny just confess that he loves me?

“I need to know the truth, man. I’ve not been in love before and I don’t know whether what I feel for Asia is love or lust. Either way it’s screwing with my head.”

“Sonny…” I begin, not really knowing what to say.

“Falling in love with Asia was the easiest, most natural thing I’ve ever done,” Eastern admits. “I’ve loved her since I understood what the word meant, and probably long before that too. Love should never be difficult, and it should never hurt. Lust is superficial. It’s the heat and passion of a moment in time. Do I want to rip Asia’s clothes off and make love to her until we both go blind? Yeah, of course I do. But will I wait until she’s ready to give herself to me? Abso-fucking-lutely. Will I allow her the space to be with each of you despite how fucking envious I am? Yes, yes I will because that’s what she needs. And will I admit when I’m wrong, when I’ve overstepped the mark? Every damn time.”

“Eastern…” I mutter, my cheeks flushing with warmth.

“I’m not done yet,” he says, a determined look on his face. “Will I do everything in my power to make Asia happy because she’s the one I love? Of course, I will. And will I chase her every time she runs from my love because she doesn’t know how to accept it?Always,” he says fiercely, locking his gaze with mine. “That’s love, Sonny. That’s how I understand it. If you feel that way about Asia, then I’ve no doubt that you love her too.”

“Fuck, man. It’s like you’ve just carved me open and pulled out all my internal organs. Who knew you were a fucking poet,” Sonny mutters, looking more pained by Eastern’s response than relieved by it.

My mouth pops open then closes. I really don’t have any words to describe how I feel right now. So, I keep quiet, and try to accept the honesty Eastern has shown and the possibility that he's not the only one who loves me. Ford and Camden remain quiet, thoughtful, though I just feel more uncomfortable by the minute. Not by Eastern’s words but by the heavy tension that fills the air and all the unspoken words that seem to be brimming on everybody’s lips.

“Well, that’s me done,” Eastern says, breaking the silence. He looks at Ford. “Your turn. Truth or dare.”

“Seeing as everyone else is on the truth train, I’ll take a dare.”

“Fair enough. I dare you to do something that scares you.”

“That’s not very specific,” he retorts, frowning.

“That’s the dare, do something that scares you. Crack the façade a little and show us what’s underneath.”

“Fine.” Ford looks directly at me as though considering something, then stands pulling off his jumper.

“This ain’t a strip tease, Ford,” Camden mutters, disgusted.

“Shut the hell up, Camden,” Sonny interjects.

I exchange looks with him. We both know about Ford’s past and the scars he can’t escape. By the look on Camden’s face when Ford rips off his shirt and throws it on the floor revealing his scarred chest, he doesn’t.