“But, I can,” Camden says, punching Sonny on the arm.

“Ow, you fuckwit, that hurt.”

“It was supposed to.”

With that we start laughing, even Camden, and that in itself is a miracle.

* * *

Back inside thekitchen is empty,andspotless. Looks like Bryce set the boys to work. Cal is in a side room talking on his phone. When he sees us, he covers the mouthpiece.

“Ford and Eastern are in the den. Hook a left at the end of the corridor and follow the hallway right to the end.”

“Where’s Louisa, Bryce and Max?” Sonny asks.

“Gone for a walk. You know how Louisa likes the great outdoors,” Cal explains.

“Yep. I’ve heard all the stories about their time in the French Alps. Pretty sure they’ve gone to shag in the woods,” Sonny mutters, as we head towards the den.

“Shag in the woods? Louisa’spregnant.”

“Hasn’t stopped them before…” Sonny makes a gagging face.

Camden raises an eyebrow. “You’re foster parents ain’t normal.”

“Define normal,” Sonny bites back. It’s clear from the sound of his voice that whilst he’s more than happy to take the piss out of their unusual relationship, he’s not so happy about anyone else doing the same.

“I just meant that they’re happy. Most people I know come from broken homes with their parents at each other’s throats.”

“Yeah, they’re happy. It’s sickening.” But Sonny smiles, telling me he actually quite likes it.

When we enter the den, Eastern and Ford are sitting in front of an open fire playing chess. My mouth drops open in shock. They’re being very civilised.

“What the fuck is this?” Camden says, plonking himself down on the sofa. He pats the space next to him, but I ignore the request and perch on the arm of Eastern’s chair. Sonny takes up the space instead, winking at Camden who frowns.

“Everything alright?” Eastern asks me.

“We’re good. You?” I ask, looking at Ford.

“Yeah, good. We’re just playing some chess to pass the time.”

“I didn’t know either of you played.”

“Eastern didn’t until about half an hour ago. I’m teaching him. He’s picking the game up quick,” Ford explains. “Though I’m about to beat his arse…check mate,” he says.

“Well, shit. Let’s go again.”

“Nah. I reckon we should play something we can all take part in.” Ford looks at me then and there’s intent in his gaze. The kind of intent that should worry me, but instead makes my insides turn to mush.

“Like what?” Sonny asks, a note of caution in his voice.

“Truth or dare,” Ford responds, placing the chess pieces and the board back into the box.

“What are we, fucking twelve?” Camden sucks his teeth, unimpressed.

Ford leans back in his seat and rests his foot on the coffee table. “Afraid to speak the truth, or not man enough to take the dare?”
