“Is that why you’re here, to babysit this numpty,” Camden says, cocking his thumb at Sonny.

“Nope. I’m here to help the staff keep all you in check.”

“You ain’t Superman. How the fuck are you gonna manage that all on your own?”

“I’m bringing in two ex-marines. Couple of pretty sound men who will be arriving this afternoon. Between us we’llmanage.”

“Fuck me,” Eastern mutters.

“This is bullshit,” Camden says, standing. “You think forcing us to play these games is gonna work? We’re not the type of kids you can push around. This place will turn to shit by the end of the week.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Cal retorts, not in the least bit concerned by Camden’s outburst, or the clenching of his fists. “Tell me, Mr Burnside, what would happen if Camden broke the new rules we’ve set?”

Mr Burnside sighs heavily. “Camden will be sent to juvenile prison until he turns eighteen in three months. Then he’ll be moved to Wormwood Scrubs where he’ll serve the remainder of his sentence.”

“That’s right, Mr Burnside. Camden here swerved a five-year sentence didn’t he?”


Cal returns his attention to Camden. “Sit down, son. Upsetting your pride and your ego isn’t worth losing five years of your life for a few months hanging out with this lot.”

“You don’t fucking get it. I’m the leader of the HH crew, and these people are my goddamn enemies.” He’s shaking now with barely repressed rage, but I know it’s more to do with the King and how he’ll react to this situation than it is because of who we’re grouped with.

“Everyone is in the same boat.Everyone. You’re no good to yourcrewin prison. Sit down,” Cal says, his words filled with meaning. I chance a glance at Sonny who’s looking more and more uncomfortable. Has he been talking?

Camden hesitates long enough for me to reach up and slide my hand into his. I squeeze gently. “Camden, sit down.Please,” I add quietly.

Now everyone in the room is looking at us, but I refuse to return their gazes, keeping my eyes locked solely on him. I’m pretty sure I know what I’ll see in them anyway; judgement, disappointment, rejection, fear. But if he refuses and I can’t get him to stay then he goes to prison and not only will his future be destroyed, but ours too. The room holds its breath. I’m pretty sure I’ve stopped fucking breathing.

A minute later he nods imperceptibly, his eyes flashing with unspoken words.

He sits, then squeezes my hand and doesn’t let go.

“Good choice,” Cal says, eventually. He pushes off the desk and walks into the centre of the circle looking at each of us individually. Finally, he points to Eastern. “You, stand.”

“What the fuck for?” he retorts.

“No questions. Get up.”

Eastern grits his jaw but does as he’s told. “I’ve been watching you, son. Pretty sure you’re on the verge of breaking something, or someone. So, we’re gonna deal with that right now. Mr Burnside…?” Cal says, giving him a nod. Mr Burnside bends down and picks up a pair of boxing pads and gloves from a gym bag and passes the gloves to Eastern.

“Put them on.”

Whilst Eastern’s pulling them onto his hands muttering obscenities under his breath, Cal walks over to Camden. “Here, slide these on. Pair up.”

Camden’s nostrils flare, but he lets go of my hand and takes the pads from him, shoving them over his fists. He stands before Eastern holding the pads up.

“You lads know what to do,” Cal says. A beat later Eastern is punching the pads as hard as he can. The sound of leather smacking against leather reverberates around the room.

“Good. Everyone else grab some gloves from Mr Burnside and wait your turn. Camden here is gonna be the punch bag. Big lad like him can take it.”

“Dickhead,” Camden mutters.

But Cal is right, he takes it.

All of it.

One by one we all have our turn, even Kate seems to enjoy herself when she gets to smack the shit out of the pads Camden’s holding. By the time she’s finished, panting and red-faced, Camden is grinning.