Admittedly, he’s got a point.

“I should go,” I say, getting up. “My new physiotherapy class starts soon.”

“Ah, yes. Good choice. Sally is a fine teacher. You’ll like her.”

I move towards the door, my hand hovering over the handle. “What happened to Bobby?” I suddenly ask, curious that I’ve not seen him around. He’s usually like a fly around shit.

“Bobby is no longer with us.” Mr Carmichael frowns. He looks as though he’s going to say something further about the matter, then decides against it. “For now, I’m taking up the slack until I can find a suitable replacement.”

“You are? I didn’t see you last night.”

“You were asleep when I did my rounds. Camden said you had a migraine when I caught him leaving your room...”

“Oh.” My cheeks flush pink. After everything I’ve just said, what must he think of me? More to the point, why do I care? Mr Carmichael stares at me with a neutral expression. There’s no judgement in his gaze. I appreciate that.

“He seemed genuinely concerned. That much was clear.”


“You don’t think he was?”

“I don’t trust him.”I don’t trust myself around him, though I keep that thought to myself.

“Trust is something earned, not something given without thought or care. First you need to trust your own instincts and then make a decision on Camden. Cut yourself some slack. This isn’t an easy task, but you have time. Crown won’t be back until just before the year ends for summer and you finish your time with us. Use it wisely, okay?”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“I appreciate the difficult position you’re in. That the friendships you made last term might be difficult to maintain now…” He cocks his head to the side. “There might be something I can do to help with that.”

“How can you possibly help? Kate hates me. Eastern can’t be anywhere near me. Ford and Sonny are keeping their distance and Pink is stuck between wanting to support me and keeping well out of it. Like everything with me, nothing is fucking straightforward or easy.”

“I see that.” Mr Carmichael’s telephone rings, and he gives me an apologetic smile. “Come back any time, okay?”

“Sure,” I mutter, leaving him to answer his call.

I lean back against his closed door staring at the exit more than a little tempted to walk out of this building and into a life far less complicated. Of course, I don’t. I head back into the storm, holding onto the one within me, hoping it doesn’t tear me apart.