My first lesson with Sally goes well. She’s a nice woman. Early twenties, blonde, pretty in a neat bun and glasses kind of way. According to the schedule of learning she’s given us, for the next month or so we’ll be focusing on the human anatomy, and by we, I mean myself and Ruby. No one else has taken her class. It’s not a full course like you’d learn at university, but Sally is going to teach us the basics that we can build on later if we choose to. I doubt very much that I’d ever get the opportunity to go to university after I leave Oceanside but the thought it could be a possibility, however slim, feels good.

“So, that’s it for the first lesson. I’m cutting it short by five minutes as I’ve got a meeting with Mr Carmichael,” she explains, handing both me and Ruby a course book each. “Anatomy and physiology are key to this profession and it’s important you do as much study of your own back to support your learning in the classroom. So, why not use this extra few minutes to take a look through before your next class?”

“It’s a big book,” Ruby mutters, staring at it with wide eyes.

“Yep, and it’s a good place to start.” Sally grins.


“Yes, start. There’s a lot to learn but if you’re serious about this, I’m more than willing to teach you what I can in the time allotted.”

“Fuck, I wish I’d chosen business studies… At least the teacher is male and fucking hot. No offense, Miss. You’re cute and all,” Ruby says as an afterthought.

“None taken. Look, it’s the first day. It’s all a bit overwhelming, but I can tailor the lessons to suit. Don’t be put off.”

“I’mnot put off,” I say, glaring at Ruby. “I want to learn. I have a friend who’s disabled. I’d like to help him if I can. He already has regular physio to keep his muscles from seizing up… but it’s not enough.”

Ruby is now staring at me with interest. Perhaps I’ve said too much. It’s not often I talk about my private life, especially not Braydon. I’m very protective of him.

“I’m glad, Asia. I can work with enthusiasm, and any life experience you have is helpful too.” She smiles warmly. “Now I’d better be off.”

“Thanks, Miss,” I say, meaning it.

“Call me Sally. Miss is a little formal,” she says, as she grabs her bag and heads out of the classroom. “See you Friday.”

“Yep,” I respond, gathering up my books. Next up is Math which is on the upper floor and my least favourite subject. But bunking the lesson in the first week probably isn’t the smartest idea, so I head towards the door.

“You got a minute, Asia?” Ruby asks.

“We’ve got five apparently,” I snap, not feeling particularly friendly this morning.

“I wanted to talk with you…” She grabs hold of my arm, forcing me to stop. I snatch my arm away.

“So talk. I’ve got a class to get to.”

“You need to watch your back. Monk is still gunning for you, Asia.”

I bark out a laugh. “Tell me something I don’t fucking know.”

Ruby looks worried as she peers at the still open classroom door. “Look, bringing you in hasn’t gone down well with the rest of the crew. They’re not happy.”

“I don’t think Camden gives a shit.”

“He should, Monk won’t let this stand. He’ll come for you again, Asia. So will the rest of them.”

“And what about you, Ruby? Will you come for me too?”

She drops her face. “I hate this bullshit. But…”


“But I’m not strong like you.” She turns her body to the side, lifting her sweater revealing a multitude of bruises. Some are a dark purple. Some are the mottled yellowish green of an older bruise that’s now healing.

“Who the fuck did that to you…?” I growl, anger making my fists clench.

She raises her eyes to look at me. “Who do you think?Monk.”