“What, deny you an orgasm?” he asks, not in the least bit disturbed by how that sounds or the easy way he refers to that intense moment between us earlier.

“Well, yes…”

“Do youwantit to be like before? I can make this question that kind of question if you’d like?” His eyes darken as he lifts his hand to his face. For a second he breathes in, then drops his hand, a tiny smirk playing about his lips. Does his hand still smell… was he just smelling…? Oh, my days, he was.

Holy Mother of God, this guy. I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or turned on. I think I’m both.

“So,doyou?” he repeats, stepping closer, that intensity back again.

“Do I what?”

“Do you want me to make this question like the one before and if you answer me truthfully, I make you see stars. I make youcome, Asia.” He spells it out for me. There’s no beating around the bush with Ford. I like that about him. I know where I stand. But then he follows it up with a cocky smirk. The evil, rotten, bastard.

“No.”Yes, I think. “No, definitely not.”

I turn my back to him, pulling his t-shirt over my head and trying not to breathe in too deeply. It smells of him, of sweat and man and musk and…power. It’s intoxicating, just like him.

He barks out a laugh. It’s a funny sound that is even stranger coming from him. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t laugh all that often. Smiling is even rarer.

“Fair enough. Do you want to tell me what it means, no strings attached? That one on your back is of a dove, you willing to share the meaning behind that one too?”

“Not today. I think I’ve shared quite enough for one day,” I say, grabbing my dirty top and heading out the door.

“Same time next week, Asia?” he asks me.


“And Asia…” he says, the tone of his voice making my steps falter.

“Yes?” I twist on my feet to face him.

“You’re beautiful when you come.”