“Congratulations, Asia, you’ve enough credits for a day trip out of Oceanside,” Pink says, imitating Miss Moore, my art teacher, as we rifle through her clothes a week later. Today, after almost two and a half months confined to the grounds of Oceanside I get to leave for the day without looking over my shoulder and worrying if I’m going to get caught out. It’s a crisp Saturday morning, but it isn’t raining and whilst cold, it’s still quite a nice day for an outing.

“Look at you, delinquent turned swot. Mr Carmichael must be creaming his pants over you,” she adds with a wink.

“He’s gay,” I remark, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, duh! I meant you’re his perfect pupil.” She grins, wiggling her eyebrows which she’s somehow managed to die light blue just like the new streak in her hair.

“I’m not so sure about that. I haven’t spoken to the guy since my first day here. He’s elusive as fuck.”

“Do you want to speak with him or something?” Pink asks, shaking her head in disbelief.

“No, not particularly.”

“Good, I really was worried you’d turned into a swot for a minute there.” Pink picks up one of the items of clothing strewn across her bed. “So, what’s it going to be? Off the shoulder green top paired with this denim mini-skirt and your DM’s, or how about this cut-out pink tee with my orange leggings? You’d look hot in both.”

I give her a look. I appreciate colour, I do, but I’m not an out and out colour freak like Pink. She’s off the charts with her mix ‘n’ match attitude when it comes to clothing. “It’s nearing the end of October, Pink. I’m not wearing a bloody mini-skirt and risk the chance of my clit falling off from the cold. I happen to quite like that little piece of flesh.”

Pink bursts out laughing, falling backwards onto her bed and clutching her stomach. “You’re a gas, do you know that? There’s me thinking you’re one step up from being a nun, and all along you been plucking that clit of yours like it’s a violin getting tuned.”

“Hey, who said anything aboutmeplucking it?” That shuts her up.

She sits upright, grabbing my arm. “Please tell me the rumours are true.”

“What rumours?”

“You’re kidding, right?Everyoneis talking about you. You’ve got the whole damn academy up in arms. For someone with as much street smarts as you, you’re frigging oblivious, Asia.”

“I’m going to wear my black jeans and that green top if that’s okay?” I say, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

She waves me off. “Of course, it’s okay. What’s mine is yours, we’re friends remember… but back to the topic at hand. Don’t youwantto know what they’re all talking about?”

Do I want to know? Not really. Gossip doesn’t tend to be positive, especially when it comes to me. I shrug and Pink takes that as a cue to let me in on the gossip.Great.

“So, rumour has it you’ve joined No Name crew and that you’ve been shacking up with Fordandkeeping Sonny as your bit on the side…” she pauses, studying my reaction. When I keep a straight face, she presses on. “A certain someone ain’t too happy about it.”

“Let me guess, Monk?”

“Monk? No. I mean yes, he certainly ain’t happy about anything you do, but it’s not him.”

I shake my head in confusion. “Look, let’s get shit straight. I’ve not joined Ford’s crew.”

“You haven’t?”

“No, I haven’t. I meant what I said before, I don’t do crews.”

“Well, tell that to Camden, ‘cause I heard he’s pissed as fuck.”


“Haven’t got the faintest idea. Only, all these fights breaking out between the two sides…”

“Yeah?” I prompt, frowning.

“All because of you, Asia.”

“Oh, for fuck sake,” I respond sitting heavily on her bed. I don’t want anything to do with this shit. I just want to do my time and fucking leave. That’s it.