He regards her for a moment. “Yes, I think I should come along,” he says with a swift nod of his head. He doesn’t appear to happy about it, though. I see Nisha’s face fall before she covers her disappointment at his lack of enthusiasm with a fakesmile.

“I’ll be back in a moment. I just need to make a few phone calls.” Calum hurries off and I can’t help but wonder what’s got him so serious all of asudden.

“Well, that settles it then. Dinner first, clubbing later. I hope you’re ready for us, boys. Louisa and I are amazingdancers.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t listen to a word she’s saying…” I begin, but my sentence is cut short when I catch the hungry look on theirfaces.

“I can well imagine,” Hudson says, giving me one of his famous fuck me looks. OhChrist.

* * *

“You lookhot with a capital H, Lou. Those boys are gonna go wild,” Nisha grins. For the last hour we’ve been getting ready. I must have changed about fifty times, in the end settling on a leather miniskirt, a sheer black shirt and lace crop-top bra. Not one for wearing heels, I’ve paired the outfit with my trusty biker boots. I’ve put my hair up in a messy bun, darkened my eyes with kohl liner and slicked on some lipstick. This is about as dressed up as Iget.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I say, admiring Nisha’s outfit. I know the off-the-shoulder red minidress, high black heels and carefully applied makeup is all for Calum’s benefit. If he doesn’t fancy her after this, then he’s anidiot.

“You think it’s alright? I don’t want to come across too slutty.” She pulls down the hem of the skirt over her toned thighs, lookinguncertain.

“Okay, number one, you are never slutty and number two, we’re going clubbing, a cocktail dress isn’t exactly the right vibe. You’ll knock him dead,Nish.”

She blows out a breath. “Let’s see, shall we.” Hooking her arm through mine we make our way out of the bedroom and downstairs where they are allwaiting.

“Hot damn, ladies,” Max whistles as we step into theroom.

“I could say the same to you,” I smile, my eyes flicking between my men. They look ridiculously hot. Max is wearing a black shirt with grey jeans, the dark complementing his blonde hair. An easy smile spreads across his face as his eyes trail over my body. A thrill runs through me at his appreciation. Hudson has on a tight, dark green, round neck top with dark blue jeans. Our eyes meet and I’m pretty sure if he could undress me with his eyes, I’d be stark naked by now. Finally, my gaze rests on Bryce. Of the three, he is the most casually dressed. A white, short-sleeved t-shirt shows off his muscular arms. Paired with blue jeans, he looks like the Levi’s model in that famous ad I remember my mum drooling over when I was akid.

“You look… incredible,” Bryce says, running a hand through hishair.

“Pick your chin up, bro,” Max laughs, slapping him on the back. “You’re looking a littlegormless.”

“I can’t help it. Have you seen how hot our girlfriendlooks?”

There’s that word again: girlfriend. I haven’t quite got used to it. Especially since we haven’t actually had sex since bloody France. I shake away my own feelings of frustration. It isn’t their fault at all, they are just looking out for me. Well, I am healed and tonight I am making my move. The thought emboldensme.

“Well, the feeling’s mutual,” I say, giving them each a lingering look. “Are we ready togo?”

Hudson approaches, pulling me into his arms. “Frankly, I’d rather stay home and fuck you until you can’t walk, but I suppose a club with dark corners and throbbing music could be fun,” he says quietly into myear.

Fuck me until I can’t walk? Bloodyhell.

“Where’s Cal?” Nishaasks.

“He’s waiting in thecar.”

“He’s driving us? Won’t he want adrink?”

“Calum doesn’t drink. Come on, let’s go,” Hudsonsays.

We all pile downstairs and head out onto the drive. Calum is casually leaning against the car bonnet, but when he sees Nisha he straightens up. His eyes linger on her for far longer than is appropriate for someone who claims to bedisinterested.

“You look…” hestarts.

Max laughs, gripping him on the shoulder. “It’s alright man. We getit.”

Nisha smiles broadly, unable to keep her happiness hidden. “I bloody love this dress,” she whispers into my ear before sliding into the frontseat.