Chapter Thirteen

Almost a week passes,and we fall into a routine of sorts. Nisha and I hang out around the house and become proper domestic goddesses, cooking a meal every night for the guys. Nisha is happy to do the lion’s share, she enjoys it. Cooking seems to be her thing and I’m happy to let her take the reins. Each night Nisha serves up something different. Aside from Tuesday, Calum has stayed for dinner every evening. Nisha and Calum seem to be getting on famously. I’ve never seen her so happy. It’s been lovely. It feels like we are a family. Still, I always feel like something dreadful is going to happen to ruin our happiness. I guess my childhood has affected me a lot more than I care toacknowledge.

“Could you cut the onion, please?” Nisha asks me, pulling me out of my maudlinthoughts.

I pull a face. “Do I have to? They always make mecry.”


“I feel like I’m your commis chef, getting all the crappyjobs.”

“You can cook the whole thing, be my guest,” she says, stepping away from thecounter.

“I’d rather not.” I look at the complicated recipe inconfusion.

“Thenfuckingchop the onion, orfuck offout of my kitchen,” she says in a faux Gordon Ramseyvoice.

“Yes,Chef.” I grin, and we start giggling. Within seconds of cutting into the onion, my eyes are streaming. Nisha pretends not tonotice.

“So, it’s Friday night and I’m feeling like we need to let our hair down a bit. You and I have been cooped up in here for a week and I’m ready to hit the town. What do you say we try and persuade the boys to come out with ustonight?”

“Maybe,” I think. It would be good to get out, but honestly, I’m beginning to feel more than a little… horny, if the truth be known. Before the brothers, being horny was like an exotic island I never visited. Now I’d gladly swim in the sea with sharks just to getthere.

“Maybe? Don’t you want to get out of here? I mean, it’s a beautiful home, but I need a change of scenery. I need to let my hair down abit.”

“I’m kinda hoping the guys will want to stay in,” I say, avoiding Nisha’sgaze.

She starts laughing. “Not in pain any more, I takeit?”

“Not so much. Honestly, Nish, Max, Hudson and Bryce have kept their word and not instigated any sex, which is kind of driving mecrazy.”

“Oh blimey, no wonder you’re wound up tight like a corkscrew. Sleeping with those three hotties every night andnothinghappening.” Nisha laughsdelightedly.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’tyou?”

“Hell yes. If I’m not getting any, I don’t see why youshould.”

“If one of them doesn’t make a move soon, I may have to deal with the issuemyself.”

“Deal with whatissue?”

I jump at the sound of Hudson’s voice behind me. Turning around, I feel my cheeks colouring a ridiculous shade.Kill menow.

“What issue? Who’s got an issue,” Bryce says as he saunters into thekitchen.

“Louisa was just saying how she felta lotbetter and I was thinking we should all go out after dinner, given it’s Friday and the weekend. A club or something. Fancy it, boys?” she asks, a mischievous smile on herface.

Hudson and Bryce exchange glances. Neitheranswer.

“Hell, why not?” Max says as he enters the floor, Calum following behind. “It’s been a while since we’ve gone out. I’m up forit.”

“Excellent. Hudson, Bryce?” Nisha asks, before I can protest. She gives me a wink, she’s lovingthis.

“Why not,” Hudson says as he grabs a bottle of Perrier water from the fridge. He unscrews the cap and drinks from the bottle. I can’t help but focus on his lips as he drinks. Thank goodness he’s not looking at me because I’m pretty sure I’msalivating.

“Fine, but I’ll sit out the dancing,” Brycesays.

Nisha faces Calum. “What about you, Cal?” she asks. This time her voice is less jovial and more nervous, though she hides itwell.