Chapter Twelve
Four weeks later
Elena stared at the white stick, waiting for something to happen. She didn’t know what to expect, or how she was going to handle if she was pregnant or not. It had been six weeks since Pipe and Saint had been in the ring, fighting each other. She had gone to Pipe’s bedroom, which happened to overlook the club’s grounds, and also the spot where Saint and Pipe fought.
She hadn’t been hopeful for either one to win. Her love for both men was different, and yet it meant she didn’t want either one to suffer. That entire event had been over six weeks ago, and since then she’d been suffering with morning sickness and mood swings. She hadn’t told Pipe, but her breasts were tender, not to mention the fact she hadn’t had her cycle either.
“Is someone in there?” she asked, glancing down at her stomach.
Nothing answered, and she took a breath. Two minutes—or was it four?—was a long time to wait.
Resting her head against the back of the toilet in the Hell’s Wolves clubhouse, she was able to reflect on everything that had been happening. So far, her brother and Pipe had come to an amicable agreement that had also seen the two clubs getting together for a tense barbeque. It had been hard, and everyone had been on edge, ready to go for their guns until Shawl had arrived with his wife and kids.
All of the Saints and Sinners had been surprised to see him with wife and kids. Shawl’s way of handling it?
“I figured if we’re going to be one big happy family, it was time to show the love of what I’ve got.”
Everyone had calmed right down. She’d even been able to have some fun with her brother. What she loved most of all was the fact she didn’t have to hide her feelings for Pipe. The tension was still there, and she was sure the two men fought regularly, only this time they battled with words rather than with anything else.
“This has got to be the longest day of my life,” she said, looking at the white stick.
“Elena, you okay, baby?” Pipe asked, knocking on the door.
“I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.” She hadn’t told him that she was taking a pregnancy test, and she hadn’t told him her thoughts about pregnancy.
What if he didn’t want to have children with her?
What if he grew bored with her?
“I know what you’re doing in there,” he said.
“I doubt it.”
“You think I didn’t notice the rush trips to the bathroom? Or the way you’ve been holding your stomach trying not to throw up? Don’t you know how much I love you? I notice everything about you. I notice when you’re tired, when you’re hungry, and when you need me.”
Tears filled her eyes at his sweet words. “Pipe?”
“Yeah, baby.”
“I’m scared.”
“Then let me in, and I’ll hold you while we find out the future together. Even if you’re not pregnant now, I’m going to make sure you’re pregnant soon. That’s how determined I am to get you with my kid.”
“You want a baby?”
“Damn right I do. I want a baby with you, and I can’t wait until we get started with a family.”
Taking a deep breath, she smiled, and opened up the bathroom. The moment the lock was open, Pipe was inside the room, moving toward her. He wrapped his arms around her, and she held the stick tightly in her hand.
“We’ve got this, Elena.” He cupped her face, wiping away her tears.
“I was so scared.”
“You don’t need to be scared. We can do this together.” He leaned down and kissed her lips.