“I’m not going to hurt her. I love her.” He took the blow to the face, and spitting out blood, he glared at Saint. “You can keep on hitting me. It’s not going to change the fact that I’m in love with your sister. She’s my whole world.”
The fighting really commenced, and it was brutal. They yelled, fought, and Pipe proved to Saint that he wasn’t going to back down, nor was he going to give in when it came to Elena. He was in love with her, and whether Saint liked it or not, they were destined to be brothers-in-law.
They stood, facing each other, bleeding, and ready to fight some more.
“Saint?” Elena said, drawing their attention to the edge of the fighting ring. Knife held her arm, keeping her back. “I love him. I never shared any club information. I didn’t betray you, but I knew you wouldn’t let me see him.”
“I didn’t ask her anything. We were seeing each other. The clubs never came into it.”
Saint lowered his fists. “I’m sorry for losing my temper. Elena, I don’t think you’re a whore, and I’m so sorry.” He opened his arms, and Pipe moved out of the way so Elena could embrace her brother.
“I’m not going to come between the two of you,” Pipe said. “I love Elena, and I know she loves you. I won’t make her pick.”
“You want to make this work, Elena with you?”
“Yes.” Pipe had already got the backing of his club.
“This would mean we can’t go to war. We’re going to have to come to terms with sharing information, and passing through each other’s territory?”
Pipe shrugged. “I’ve had worse things happen to my club. I’m prepared to do everything to make peace, and to keep the woman I love safe.”
Saint looked back toward his club, and they nodded. “We’re not interested in war. We can make this work, not just for the clubs, but for my sister as well.” He kissed Elena’s head, and reached out to shake his hand.
Pipe looked at the hand, and took it, shaking it.
It was going to be a rocky friendship, but he was determined to make it work.
Two weeks later
Ralf parked his car outside of the café where Sarah worked. She’d been out of his life completely for two weeks, and he was dying inside. He loved the club, and would always be loyal to Saint.
Sarah was his woman, and he’d made the biggest fucking mistake. He’d gone back to the apartment, and it was completely empty. Her stuff was all gone, and he couldn’t bring himself to stay at night anymore.
He slept at the clubhouse, and stayed away from the club pussy. He’d not been with anyone since Sarah. Club pussy was more than willing to give in to him, but he didn’t want the skanks that were on offer. He wanted Sarah.
Climbing out of his car, he made his way toward the café, and took a seat in the back. He picked up the menu and started reading through.
“What can I get you?” Sarah asked.
He lowered the menu and stared at his woman. Her hair was no longer dyed. The brown locks looking glossy, pulled back in a ponytail.
“What are you doing here, Ralf?”
“I want you to come home.”
“I’m not coming home. I’m happy here.”
“You’re happy in a city that offers you shit?”
She sighed. “Are you going to order something?”
“Come home.”
“You’re going to be difficult.”
She released a sexy growl, and took a seat opposite him. She folded her arms and leaned on the table. “You want to talk this through now? I thought your deal was to go back running to your club.”
“I wasn’t running.”
“I thought I was pregnant, Ralf, and in response, you ran. Guess what? I’m not pregnant, and we’re through. I don’t need a man who will run at the first sign ofactualcommitment. Leave me alone, and move on.” She picked up her notebook and pen, moving away.
Ralf stayed at his table, and Sarah brought him a coffee. No one knew that they had nearly been pregnant. When Sarah had told him, he’d panicked, and run like a fucking asshole. It was going to take more than an apology and asking for her to come back to win her over. He was going to win Sarah back, whether she liked it or not.