He still held her arm, and he guided her toward a chair.

“Stop avoiding me. I’m not going to do this anymore. I lost you for long enough. I’m not going to lose you anymore.”

“Don’t ask me things you don’t want to know.”

“I want to know what happened to you. I want you to fucking talk to me!”

“I’m not some bitch at your club you can boss around.” She yelled right back at him. Elena didn’t belong to his club, and there was no place for her either, not if she wanted to be with Pipe.

“I want to know what’s going on. Where has my sister gone? What have you fucking done with her?”

“She was gone a long fucking time ago. I’m not that same girl anymore, Saint. I’m not some doting young little girl. I’m never going to be that girl anymore.”

“What did Mom do? You cut me off, and I’m tired of fighting this shit out with you, Elena. Tell me.”

“You want to know? You really want to know? This is what she fucking did to me.”


“The fight is going well,” Shawl said. “Saint has three Prospects that are fighting tonight. The schedule didn’t include him last night.”

Pipe nodded. He stared at the numbers for the fights that were won last night. His own Prospects had done well, and brought in some serious dough. That would be distributed among the brothers, and the men would get a cut themselves. Pipe always made sure everything was handled equally.

“Do we know the three Prospects coming tonight?” Pipe asked.

“Francis, Gunner, and Jewel.”

“He’s bringing women?”

“They’re all men. Jewel was a fighter back in high school, earned a bit of a reputation for himself. He blew out his knee, and his scholarship was taken from him. From what information I’ve gotten, he’s being schooled by the club, and once he’s proven himself, he’ll be patched in,” Shawl said.

Pipe could see Saint helping a guy out. “Are any of his boys fighting our men?”

“No. I figured for relations, we’ll keep each other as far away as possible.”

“Sounds right. I don’t want any Hell’s Wolves against the Saints and Sinners MC.”

“Does this have anything to do with a certain sister?”

“Knife tell you?”

“I saw Elena’s name on your cell phone. This is going to end badly.”

“It’s not going to end at all, okay.”

“Do you even know what you’re doing with her?” Shawl asked.

“When you met your wife, did you just know that she was going to change you? Could you walk away from her once you got to know her.”

“I was with my wife nearly a year before I knew.”

“Did you leave her at any time? Walk away?”

Shawl’s jaw clenched. “No, I didn’t, and I couldn’t just walk away.”

“Elena completes me, Shawl. I’m not going to put the club at risk. I want to see where this goes.”

His cell phone buzzed, and he glanced down to find a text from Elena.