Elena:I need to see you!

“I’ve got to take this. You good here? Do you need me?”

“No. Everything is good here. Be careful.”

Pipe walked toward his bike, texting the address to his place out in the sticks. It was a cabin that was on the outskirts of the forest. He kept it a secret, and it was his safe place. Pipe had no doubt that Saint had a safe-house as well.

Even though the club ran through their veins, there were moments when they needed to be away from the club in order to make the right decisions.

Once he received the text that she was on her way, he straddled his bike, and rode all the way to his cabin. He didn’t break any laws, and he got there before her. Pipe made his way inside, flicking on lights, and checking to make sure he had some food in the fridge. He came out to the cabin every other day, keeping a constant supply of food. Pipe also checked to make sure that nothing had taken up residence inside his home. He fucking hated it if a raccoon had gotten in, or a possum.

Maybe he should invest in a dog. The problem was he hated vicious dogs, and he could just imagine the jokes the boys would make if he came home with a Labrador. He didn’t like the image that a biker was supposed to have.

Dogs were fucking dangerous, and he’d never spend his time with an animal that could kill with a single bite.

It made him feel like a pussy, as he loved the Labrador or the Pomeranian. His club wouldn’t let him hear the end of it if he got one of those kinds of dogs. When he heard the sound of a car approaching, he moved toward the door, and watched as Elena rushed toward the house. He was worried that she wasn’t going to stop when the brakes squeaked.

“Elena?” he asked.

He saw her eyes were watering, and she didn’t speak, rounding the car, and throwing herself into his arms.

Pipe held her tightly, easing her into his home. Closing the door, he stroked her hair, and he was fucking terrified.

“Baby, are you okay?” he asked. “You’ve got to talk to me, as otherwise I’m calling your brother to find out what the fuck is going on.”

He didn’t like the way she was sobbing. She was clinging to him, which he liked, but it was for all the wrong reasons.

“Talk to me.”

“I just need you to make the world stop, and to hold me.” She rubbed her cheek against his leather jacket. “Just hold me. Make everything okay, just for a second.”

They stood together in his cabin home, holding her tightly.

Seconds passed, as did minutes, until the tears started to ebb away. He stroked her blonde hair, humming to her as he did.

“This is your place?” she asked.

“You finally noticed?”

She nodded. “It’s a nice place.” She lifted her head up, wiping away her tears.

“What happened?”

She shook her head, and released a sigh. “Have you ever had a moment when you realized that you were living a lie? Everything you thought you knew wasn’t what you really knew?”

“I think so.”

“Saint came to see me today at the shop. He wanted to talk, and we started yelling at each other.” She ran a hand down her face, which was clear of makeup. It was another reason he enjoyed being with her. She didn’t cover her face with cosmetics. Everything about her was pure, and natural.

The club whores had been his world for so long that he’d forgotten how damn good it can be to be with a real woman. Elena was all woman. He couldn’t pick a favorite part of her. Her tits were large, and he loved watching them bounce as he fucked her. He loved how her thighs felt wrapped around his waist as he drove into her. There was nothing wrong with her fuller curves, as he had plans for her delectable body.

“I showed him my scars. It’s crazy I’ve kept them hidden for so damn long, and now I’ve shared them with two people.”

He cupped her cheek. “You don’t have to hide from me.”

“When my mom took me she told me it was because the club wasn’t a place for me, and that my father loved my brother more.”

“It wasn’t the truth?”