Wearing Rage’s jacket was different. She saw the men staring at the jacket, and at her, before turning away. Some of the club women, the free pussy, shot her a glare then ignored her.

“They’re pissed off that you managed to snag a club member, and the VP,” Melissa said, leaning in close.

“I’m terrified, and I don’t like it.” Penny ran fingers through her hair, which she had left down.

“They were pissy with me when I first dated Pea. They believe the only women for the club men are them. It takes them time to realize and accept that they’re club pussy.”

Penny nodded. “Pea still screws with them.”

“It’s really hard for you to accept that I’m happy, isn’t it?”

“I’m pleased you’re happy, I really am, but it’s hard for me to see how you can be happy about that. You’re supposed to be married to him, and in love.”

Melissa held her hand up. “Who said anything about being in love? I’m not in love with Pea.”

Penny frowned. “You said you were after what our parents had, and they were in love with each other.”

Her sister smiled. “Okay, our parents loved each other, and they were faithful to one another. I said that to you so you’d get off my back about marrying Pea.”


“You were talking about hearts and flowers, and all that shit that we’re supposed to want.”

“What’s wrong with wanting love and respect in a marriage?” Penny asked.

“We’re different, and I respect that. You want love, and respect, and a guy who will look at you, and only you. Pea and I, we’ve got what we need.”

“He’s screwing around on you.”

Melissa leaned in close and whispered her next words. “And what makes you think I’m not screwing around on him?” Melissa pulled back and pressed a finger to her lips.

“I don’t have a clue what to make of what you just told me.” Penny glanced around to see if they had caught anyone else’s attention, but they hadn’t.

“I like Pea, and I care about him. I love being married to him, holding his mark. I even like fucking him. He’s not in love with me, and I’m not in love with him. We give each other what we need.”

“How can you live with that?”

“I knew when I was younger that I was different, Penny. I don’t need hearts and flowers, or even a guy who is faithful. I like Pea, and he likes me. We match each other, more than you’ll ever understand. I like being with him. He makes me laugh. He takes care of me, and in his own way, he respects me.”

“Again, I’m totally confused right now,” Penny said.

“That’s why I love you, and I will do anything to take care of you. You confuse easily. Just know that I’m happy.” Melissa kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I manipulated you with pretending to cry and be upset. It was wrong of me, and I’m sorry. I won’t use you again. I miss you, Penny. You’re my sister, and I love you. Please forgive me.”

Penny placed her hands on her hips, and bit her lip. “You’re my sister. You’re my only living relative, and I will do anything for you.”

“All’s forgiven?”

“Yes, providing you don’t do it again.”

“I won’t.”

Penny wrapped her arms around her sister, pleased that she was happy even if she was a little confused by what she’d been told.

“Come on, girls, the fun is about to start,” Susan said, leading the way toward the back of the clubhouse.