You do, you just want him naked where he tells you all the dirty things he wants to do to you.

Penny thought about the fantasy she had told him last night that he was going to live tonight. Biting her lip, she was kind of nervous. He was going to be in a fight, and once he was done, she was going to be alone with him. Was it a good thing to have sex with a guy immediately after a fight?

“Penny, don’t think about what you should want. Think about what you actually want. Rage is a good man. He’s a hard man, and he will keep the promises that he has made to you.”

She glanced over at her brother-in-law who was talking with one of the club whores who hung around the club as free pussy. “I don’t want to end up like Melissa. She accepts this crap. I won’t.”

“Rage will not step out on you. Believe me, he’s wanted you far too long to risk you leaving his ass.”

Nodding, she touched Saint’s arm. “Thank you.”

“What’s going on here?” Rage asked, coming up behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and tugged her back against him.

She loved the possessive way he held onto her. The way he held her, kissed her neck, and stared out across the crowd, made her think that he was telling every other man to back off.

It gave her a thrill with his alpha male possessiveness.

“Nothing. Just talking with Saint about your big head.”

“At least you like one of my heads.”

Rolling her eyes, she slapped his hand. “Stop being crude.”

Saint laughed and moved away. When they were alone beside the bar, Rage moved in front of her, lifting her head up with a finger under her chin. “What’s up?”

Running her hands up and down the jacket, she gave him a smile. “I don’t know.”

He raised a brow.

“I think they’re laughing at me. I’m wearing your jacket, and I don’t know—it’s too big on me, Rage.” She looked like a girl in her father’s jacket. The arms were too long.

Rage burst out laughing. He lifted her arms, and started to fold the sleeve back until her hand was visible. He did the same with the next one, and he held the lapels of the jacket. “This is for the club to know you belong to me.”

“They didn’t bother me when I didn’t belong to you.” She’d been able to come and go as she pleased. Penny didn’t understand what had changed.

“You’ve always belonged to me. You just didn’t know it.”

Releasing a sigh, she did her best to smile at him.

“Melissa’s out in the yard if you want to go and see her. This is for us to have fun. Remember what I promised you tonight?” She nodded. “Then think about that if you want to leave. Stay and watch me fight.”

“Okay.” Her pussy clenched at the thought of what was happening tonight. It was her fantasy, and she really looked forward to it.

“I’m going to have a word with Saint.” He kissed her forehead, and she watched him walk toward the back offices.

Pea was staring at her, and she left him alone to flirt with the woman who wasn’t his wife, and made her way out back to find her sister. Melissa was standing with a burger in one hand and a bottle of beer in another. She was chatting with a couple of the old ladies.

They all turned toward her, and embraced her as if she was part of the clan.

“So Rage has finally put his claim on you. I was wondering what brother would do it first,” Susan said.

Penny smiled and gave them a twirl. She noticed that each woman had either a jacket, or a club member’s name displayed for others to see. Her sister wore a shirt that exposed part of her back and stomach. Pea’s name was inked across her back. Penny didn’t think for a second that she’d be able to have Rage’s name inked on her skin. She didn’t like needles, and had never thought about having a tattoo.

“I guess. He told me I had to come to the club.”

“It’s a get-together, and some of the boys from different chapters are down to party. It just tells everyone that you belong to a club member,” Susan said.

Conversation picked up again, and Penny just stood on the sidelines, listening. She felt so out of place, which was strange. Over the years she’d been to club gatherings before, and she’d never felt out of place.