“I think that was a tiny bit of a guilt trip to make me feel bad about not coming home more often.”

“I have no idea what you mean.” But her smile is smug, and I know she understands very well. “If Stella is the woman you want, fight for her.”

“I can fight all day long, but if she doesn’t fight with me, it won’t ever work, Mom.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She sighs and reaches for my hand. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. And I need you to feel better so you can go home and harass Maya and Dad. Keep us all on our toes. I don’t like seeing you in here.”

“I don’t love it, either, but everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

I don’t know what it is about a mother’s reassurance that always makes it sound true.

Maybe this is why I needed to come right home.

I needed to hear her say that everything would be okay.

Because, as of right this minute, I’m not sure of anything at all.

Chapter 19


“The house is actually in excellent condition.” I’m walking through the house my uncles Will and Matt recently bought next door to mine. The closing finally happened, and now we’re able to get a better look at it together. I can’t believe it’s been a whole month since Danny got married. Time definitely flies. “I think all it’ll take is some fresh paint and a few small repairs, and it’ll be ready to go.”

“We can do all of that in a weekend,” Will says with a nod. “Do you think we need a bigger window in the living room? Does it seem dark in here?”

“You’re just used to all the windows in our house,” Aunt Meg reminds him.

“We could do a bigger window,” I reply. “But it’ll also add more heat from the sun because this is a west-facing wall.”

“Let’s just leave it as-is,” Matt suggests. “We’ll do a little party this weekend and have the family over to help with the painting, repairs, and cleanup.”

“I know that everyone will be happy to help, especially since the kids have an opportunity to live here.”

“It feels like it’s going to be like a fraternity around here,” Nic, Matt’s wife, says with a sigh. “But it’s also going to be a safe place for all the kids, and I think it’ll be fun, too.”

“I agree. Also, I have some furniture and accessories that I had to take out of a client’s house because she didn’t like them, and I couldn’t return them. We might as well use it all here.”

“Wow, that sucks,” Will says with a frown. “Hey, how did it go with Florence? I haven’t heard much.”

“Then you obviously don’t pay attention to online gossip rags,” I mutter, shaking my head.

“What happened?” he asks.

“Wait, you recommended her to Florence?” Meg props her hands on her hips and stares at her husband. “Why in the world would you do that?”

“Because the woman needed a decorator, and our Stella is the best.”

“Not according to Florence,” I say with a half laugh. “She hated everything I did. Twice. I spent six figures of my own money trying to fix it, and she still humiliated me in front of a live viewing audience. So, let’s just say that it didn’t go well. Oh, and I’m now starting my own business because I got fired.”

The room is silent for a heavy thirty seconds as all four of them stare at me in shock.

“Fuck. That.” Will rubs his hand over his mouth. “I’ll make some calls.”

“It’s done,” I say flatly.

“Why in the hell didn’t you call me to help?” he demands.

“Because it was my job. And because it was embarrassing. She made a point to say that she expected more from Will Montgomery’s niece.”

“Fuck her,” Matt mutters, shaking his head. “That’s some manipulative bullshit right there.”

“You’ll get that money back,” Will fumes. “Tell me you’ve already filed a lawsuit.”

I frown and press my lips together, and Meg rests her hand on my shoulder.

“Honey, you can’t just let her have your money after all of that. It’s not right.”

“It’s over.”

“Nope.” Will shakes his head adamantly. “Absolutely, fucking not. Stella, you cannot just turn and run and hope it all just goes away. We’re not talking about a few hundred dollars here. She worked you over and did it on purpose, and I’m not sure why because I’ve personally never had a problem with her. Until now.”

“Isn’t your boyfriend an attorney?” Nic asks. “That’s what I heard, anyway.”

“He’s not my boyfriend anymore,” I say with a sigh. “Because he filed lawsuit papers without asking me first, and I really just want this to go away.”

“Your parents raised you better than this,” Will says, surprising me.


“I know for a damn fact that they didn’t teach you to cut out and run when things get hard. You stand up for yourself, and you do what’s right. You’re so much better than this. Maybe the dude should have communicated more,” Will continues, and I’m stunned speechless, “but he didn’t do the wrong thing. You take that bitch to court and get your money back and then some. She can fucking afford it.”