“I didn’t pursue it for you,” I yell at him.

“Excuse me?”

“If I do that, if I stand up for myself and confront the bully, she’ll take it out on you. All of this could really hurt you in the media, and I will not drag our family through something like that.”

“So, you think I want you to just roll over and take a fucking beating?” Will demands. “I’m not even playing for that bitch anymore, Stel. And if I were, I would happily tell her to go fuck herself for you. Our family has had some serious shit happen in the media. This won’t last long, and then it’ll be over.”

“Especially given that you’re in the right,” Matt agrees. “And if it was caught on film, all the better, because anyone with half a brain would see that you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I thought I was doing the right thing,” I say with a sigh, feeling ridiculously close to tears.

“I love that you were trying to protect us,” Meg says and wraps her arm around my shoulders. “What did your parents say?”

I think back to the phone call with them the week that everything happened and cringe.

“Dad wanted to sue her himself. I’m pretty sure they’re frustrated with me, too. I just love you guys so much, and I felt embarrassed because Will recommended me for this important job, and I obviously messed everything up so, so badly. I just want it all to go away.”

“It will,” Nic says. “It will go away after you sue her ass off, along with your former job for wrongful termination. You said you’re opening a new business?”

“Yeah.” I nod a couple of times. “With my associate, Danny. We’re opening on Monday. You should all come to the open house at the new office that afternoon.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Meg says with a grin. “I can’t wait to see your new place.”

“We’ve worked hard on it over the past month or so,” I reply.

Has it been a month since everything went down with Florence already?

“What about the dude?” Will asks.

“What about him?”

“Maybe you should see him. Talk it out. I’ve heard he’s a good guy.”

I sigh. “I tried to call him, but he wasn’t available.”

“Make an appointment,” Nic suggests with a wink.

“Maybe. It’s going to be a busy few days, but maybe after the open house on Monday. Are you sure you’re okay with me pursuing a lawsuit? The thought of your name coming up in anything just breaks my heart.”

“Come here, babe,” Will says, opening his arms. I walk right into them and sigh when he hugs me close. “I’ll be upset if you don’t do this. Stand up for yourself. Be the strong woman I know you are. Hell, I’m shocked that you didn’t punch that old bag in the nose.”

“Oh, I showed considerable restraint,” I reply with a laugh. “Okay. I’ll see to it next week.”

I pull away and take a deep breath.

“Thank you both for buying this house for the kids. It’s going to be a really fun and safe compound for everyone, especially after opening the fence between the two yards and sharing the pool. The parties will be epic.”

“Maybe we should reconsider,” Will says.

“Nah, I’ll make sure to have the block patrolled every few hours,” Matt replies. He’s been a cop in Seattle forever. He has all the connections.

“Great,” Will says brightly. “Let’s get this started.”

“I had no idea that this many people would come to our open house,” Liz, my assistant extraordinaire, says as she refills glasses of champagne. “And you thought you’d be blackballed.”

“I’m surprised, too,” I admit, looking around our showroom. Our space may be small, but Danny and I decorated it beautifully. “Although I kind of figured that all my family would come, and that’s enough to fill a stadium.”

Liz chuckles as Danny joins us. “I’m still starstruck. Luke Williams, Leo Nash, and Will Montgomery are all within twenty yards of me right now.”

“Along with Amelia Montgomery and freaking Starla,” Danny adds. “Only the biggest pop star ever. So, yeah, I’m perfectly content with this turnout, honey.”

“And let’s not forget Vaughn Barrymore,” Liz says. “Good God, we could be at a posh Hollywood party. I didn’t dress fancy enough.”

I laugh, grateful that so many members of my family came. There are also several people from our former firm, all of whom I like a lot, and a few of our clients have filtered in and out this afternoon, as well.

“Uh-oh,” Danny murmurs as we see Gray suddenly appear through the crowd. “I’d better go mingle.”

“And I’m going to serve drinks,” Liz agrees and hurries off, leaving me alone with Gray.

“Uh, hi,” I say with a formal smile. Jesus, he’s gorgeous. Tall and handsome with his dark blond hair messy, and his tattoos showing thanks to a short-sleeved shirt.