Actually, that’s not true. The boys will eat it.

“We are catching up tonight,” I say to Liv, jabbing my finger into her chest bone. “Even if that means after the party and everyone goes home. It’s happening.”

“I’m good with that,” she says as Danny and Brandon come through the door, followed by Gray.

“We’re heeeeeeere,” Danny sings as he dances inside and presents a charcuterie spread on a gorgeous piece of wood.

“Yay,” Liv says and hugs Danny. “I haven’t seen you guys in forever. When’s the wedding?”

“In two weeks,” Brandon replies.

Gray comes to my side, slides his arm around my waist, and leans in to whisper in my ear. “I missed you last night.”

I smile up at him. “Yeah? Good.”

His eyes narrow, and Liv clears her throat.

“I don’t think we’ve met,” she says and holds her hand out to Gray. “I’m Olivia, Stella’s best friend.”

“Grayson Sterling,” Gray replies. Liv’s eyes go round, and she turns to me.

“The old attorney?” she demands.

“Old?” Gray asks, his eyebrow raised.

Brandon and Danny bust up laughing.

“Turns out he’s not that old,” I say to Liv. “You can’t judge a person by their name.”

“You thought I’d be old?” Gray asks.

“Well, yeah. Sort of. But I was wrong.”

Gray smirks and takes my hand, bringing it to his lips to nibble on my knuckles.

“So romantic,” Danny says with a sigh. “Our divorce attorney is the man you can’t keep your hands off. I mean, between work parties and a trip to meet his family, you’d think you’ve been dating for years.”

Liv stares at me for a long moment, hurt brimming in her big, green eyes, and then turns and marches away, slamming the sliding glass door behind her.

“What did I say?” Danny asks.

“I haven’t had a chance to fill her in,” I reply and sigh. “I’ll be back. Make yourselves at home. The guys are about to grill up some ribs and steaks. There are drinks in the fridge and outside in a monster-sized cooler.”

“We’ve got this,” Brandon assures me, and I hurry after Olivia. When I find her, she’s standing next to Vaughn, but her eyes shoot daggers when I step outside.

“Let’s talk now,” I say and pull her away from the guys to the far side of the yard, where we can be alone. “Why are you mad?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Stella. Maybe because you’re having an entire relationship with a stranger, and you haven’t told me anything at all. I had to keep my relationship with Vaughn a secret, and you knew everything. You’re my fucking best friend, and you have so much happening that I don’t know anything about. But Danny sure knows, doesn’t he?”

“You don’t get to be jealous over Danny,” I say, shaking my head. “I work with him, and I never see you, Liv. Never. You don’t call me back or return my texts. Yes, he knows about Gray because of who Gray is. He works with Brandon. He’s our attorney.”

“And you’ve been attending work parties with him and going to meet his goddamn family, and I know nothing.”

“I called you!” I yell and throw my hands in the air. “I called you to ask you what I should do and tell you everything, but just like always, now that you’re with Vaughn, you had to get off the phone—probably to bone him. I needed you, and true to form lately, you had to go. So, no, you don’t know what’s been going on with me. Because if I want to have a conversation with you, I have to fucking chase you down. Yeah, I was there for you when you were dating Vaughn, but I can’t say that you’ve been there for me in quite a long time. For the first time in our lives, I can’t depend on you, Liv.”

“Bullshit.” She shakes her head. “And you don’t return my texts either, Stella.”

“No, it’s the absolute truth.”

“All you have to say is ‘I need you, Liv,’ and I’m right there.”

“That’s bullshit. Why else would I call you after midnight? I wouldn’t.”

Liv chews her lip and narrows her eyes at me. I’ve seen her this mad but never directed at me, and it makes me physically sick.

“Friendship is a two-way street, Liv. I can’t always be the one to hunt you down so I can see you or confide in you. Yeah, you’re busy with your job and going to Vancouver to spend time with Vaughn, but you do still have people here who need you. I never thought you’d be the kind of girl to forget everyone else.”

I shake my head and walk away because if I keep talking, I’ll say even more that I don’t mean and will regret later.

I’m on the verge of tears. I hate fighting with Olivia. They never last long, but I’ve never been this hurt by her.