I told his sisters that I’ve known him for a week, which is absolutely true, but it feels like we’ve known each other for years. I’m completely confident and at ease with him. I trust him implicitly.

And that rarely happens with anyone outside of my family.

When we reach what must be his mom’s room, I see that the door’s closed.

“Maybe she’s asleep,” I suggest.

“She was awake thirty minutes ago,” Gray replies, shaking his head. He looks around for a nurse and flags one down. “Hi, I’m Jeanie’s son. Is she with the doctor?”

“No, I just saw your father go in, actually.”

“Oh, perfect.” Gray knocks on the door, pushes inside, and then comes to an abrupt halt, making me run into his back.

I peek around his shoulder and grin.

Gray’s dad has Jeanie’s face cupped in his hand, and he’s kissing her as passionately as if they’d just been married yesterday.

Gray clears his throat, but they don’t jump apart. Instead, David brushes his nose over his wife’s and then turns to us.

“Good timing,” he says.

“Well, some things haven’t changed,” Gray replies and shoves his hands into his pockets. “I brought Stella to meet Mom, and this is what she has to witness?”

“I think it’s sweet,” I reply and move around Gray, holding out my hand to Jeanie. “Hi, I’m Stella.”

“Oh, it’s lovely to finally meet you,” Jeanie says with a wide smile. “I’m sorry I wasn’t up to visitors yesterday.”

“Please, don’t be sorry,” I say. “And if you’d like to make out with your handsome husband for a while longer, we can come back.”

“I’m due in surgery,” David replies and smiles gently at his wife. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Have a good surgery,” Jeanie replies, and when David leaves, she presses her hand to her heart sweetly.

Just how I saw Gray do after our first date.

“Now, come talk to me,” Jeanie says and pats my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you. Not just from Gray, but from my whole family. And I admit, I was getting jealous that I hadn’t had the chance to talk to you yet.”

“Well, here I am.”

“Gray, darling, I could use a sandwich and some fruit.”

“It’s ten in the morning,” Gray reminds her.

“Okay, then I’d like a breakfast sandwich. From the cafeteria.”

“That’s code for she’d like time alone with you,” he informs me and leans over to kiss my cheek. He whispers in my ear, “I won’t be long.”

“I could go for some fruit, too. I skipped breakfast,” I tell him with a smile as he walks out the door and closes it behind me. “You raised a handsome, kind, intelligent son.”

“I know,” Jeanie says with a happy sigh. “He and my girls are wonderful people. And, sure, their dad and I had a hand in that, but it’s just who they are.”

“I like your family very much.”

“I do, too. Now, tell me all about you. I want to know everything, and start at the beginning. Don’t leave anything out.”

“We could be here a while.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she reminds me, and I settle in, ready to tell this pretty, sweet woman all about myself.

“We’re grilling,” Keaton, Olivia’s younger brother, informs me. It’s Saturday, the day of the cousins’ party, and Keaton just arrived with Liam. Now, they’re standing around the grill with Drew.

“We usually just get pizza,” I remind them, and three pairs of stubborn male eyes meet mine.

“We want ribs and steaks,” Liam says firmly. “You know, men food.”

“Pizza isn’t men’s food?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. “I didn’t realize there were gender-specific nourishment choices.”

“You know what I mean,” Liam replies. “We want to grill meat.”

“Okay, but please don’t burn the house down. Did you guys buy groceries?”

“Yes,” Keaton says. “And some of the others are bringing sides.”

“As long as I get food, that works for me,” I reply and walk back into the house where Olivia and Vaughn have just walked in, carrying a big bowl of what looks like potato salad.

“Hey,” Liv says with a big smile. “I guess we’re switching up the menu this time.”

“I guess we are,” I agree. As soon as Liv sets the bowl on the counter, I hug her close. “I haven’t talked to you in a hundred years, and I have so much to tell you.”

“Are you okay?” Liv asks as she pulls back and frowns at me. “Are you hurt?”

“No.” I shake my head and then smile over at Vaughn. “Hi.”

“And that’s my cue to go find the guys.”

“Out back,” I tell him. “By the fire.”

“Men make fire,” Vaughn says in his best impersonation of a caveman, making me chuckle.

But before I can tell Liv about Gray and going to Idaho and being with his family, more cousins hurry through the front door, carrying salads and potatoes and bread. More food than we’ll ever eat.