“I love you, too.”

I swallow.

“I’m in love with you, too,” he clarifies.

And then he’s the one making the next move, his lips on mine, hands clasping my ass as he rolls his hips under me.

I have a million more confessions, things I need this man to hear me say, but my body has a story to tell him as well.

“Wait,” I say, pulling back from his lips. “I meant what I said last night. I want you in me.”

His grin grows. “You said for your birthday. That’s still a few days away.”

Nipping at his jaw, I say, “Early birthday presents are great, too.”

He chuckles, but it stops as quickly as it starts as he looks at me, his face growing serious. “You’re sure?”

I nod. “So fucking sure.”

The next thirty seconds are a blur of hands and clothes flying until we’re both naked to the skin and on the bed.

“I’ve dreamed about this,” he whispers as he applies lube to his fingers before pressing it to my hole.

I open my legs to him, not feeling a hint of shyness or vulnerability.

“Me too,” I pant, my legs already shaking. “Don’t forget my dick.”

Husky laughter fills the air, but it disappears when he bends over and takes the tip of me in his mouth. I don’t think I’ll ever grow accustomed to the amazing feeling when the most sensitive part of me meets the heat of his tongue.

“Ah fuck,” I snap. “Please. Shit. I’m gonna come.”

My head spins with how fast he pulls off me, and as much as I want to argue, I also know that I need more from him right now.

“Think you’re ready for me?” he asks as he situates himself between my legs.

“So fucking ready,” I moan as he sweeps the head of his dick from my hole to my nuts.

“I don’t have anything to worry about?”

I shake my head. As athletes, we get tested regularly. My test at the beginning of the year came back clear. “You’re good.”

He gives me a devious grin, his eyes growing hazy when he presses the first bare inch inside of me.

“This is going to be better than good.”

It’s a vow, and I know he means it, but the initial burn from his intrusion forces my hand to his thigh. Understanding the non-verbal cue for what it is, he pauses, his hand brushing over my shaft just enough to take some of the attention off the discomfort I’m feeling.

“Bigger than your fingers,” I groan.

He nods, his eyes locked on where we’re joined. “Ready for more?”

I answer by pulling my hand back and gripping the sheet.

He presses forward, the sharp burn growing warm until it’s less of a sting and more of just utter fullness.

“It’s not what I expected.” I swallow deeply, trying not to wince.

His mouth is hanging open, and I try to focus completely on him and the fact that this man I love so deeply was a virgin just moments ago. I’m not fool enough to think he saved this for me, but I do recognize it as the gift it is.

“What about…” He shifts, the scoop of his hips giving me exactly what I need. “That?”

“Oh fuck,” I moan. “Yeah. More of that. Fuck, Ricky.”

I see him attempt to grin, but he just can’t manage it.

“Feel good for you?” My question is breathy and filled with desire.

He squeezes his eyes closed. “So fucking good. Like… the fucking best. Not gonna last.”

I wrap my fingers around his hand on my cock, my dick twitching when he groans again, and then I’m lost. I’ll give this man everything, I realize as I orgasm.

He whimpers as my ass clenches around him, and then I feel the pulse of his own orgasm.

He presses inside of me, pulling out, over and over until he’s spent, and we cling to each other as we catch our breaths.

“Sorry,” he mutters pulling his face from my chest. “I should’ve lasted longer.”

I huff. “Are you already forgetting that I blew first?”

Chapter 34


“Feel like a new man?” he asks, his fingers tracing circles in the sweat beading on my back from the exertion it took not to nut the second I entered him.

“Exhausted,” I mutter, my lips pressed to his chest.

“About last night,” he begins.

I stiffen. Sweet Mother of God, if this man tells me he lied and something did happen with that girl…

“About Mazie.”

Jesus, I’m a fucking fool. All it takes is a smile and a promise, a declaration I’ve heard so many times in my dreams, for me to believe his bullshit.

I push back on his chest, trying to get away, but his legs are wrapped behind my thighs.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, his face growing concerned.

“What about Mazie?” I snap, my eyes focusing on the sheet by his head because I just can’t look at him right now.

“I told her about us.”