I snap my eyes to him, not expecting that at all.

“I’m not going to dig any deeper into how easy it was for you to tell me you love me and then think I betrayed you right now, but we’ll have to talk about that.” He brushes his hand over my cheek. “I was so fucking drunk, but at some point, I confessed what was going on. I didn’t even remember it, but she came up to me in the courtyard earlier to apologize.”

He must notice the confusion on my face.

“She said she mentioned something about a threeway with us, and before you say anything, I never even considered it. I don’t want anyone but you. I’ll be damned if I share you with a single soul.”

“That’s kind of disgusting.”

“She thought so, too. That’s why she apologized.”

“You didn’t freak out about your drunken confession?”

He swallows again. “I’d be a liar if I said no, but it wasn’t as epic as I pictured it being.”

I press my lips to his. “Take all the time you need, Landon. I have no right to ask you to speak openly about this to anyone. You were right. You kept my secret and I have every intention of keeping yours.”

His eyes grow serious. “I’m not keeping us a secret because I’m ashamed of you or what we do.”

I believe him, but even still I know I have guards up.

“We need to shower. We’re covered in cum.” Instead of forcing him to decide what’s going to happen, I speak up. “I’ll go first.”

I gather my things for a shower, pulling on a shirt and shorts from the floor before leaving the room.

I’m slow in getting clean, waiting, listening for the bathroom door to open and announce Landon’s arrival. It doesn’t take long. I can’t see him, but I can feel him since he’s the one in the room with me. I want to join him, to drop to my knees and suck him off, a thank you of sorts for being brave enough to tell Mazie about us even though it took alcohol to happen. He wasn’t drunk when he showed up at Rex’s, making declarations, and that took courage as well. He may see them as tiny things, but as someone who had to have that conversation with others myself, I know the strength required to do it.


I snap my eyes open to see Landon’s head just inside my shower curtain. Since the individual stalls are so large, he’s still several feet away, and my cock jerks when he drops his gaze below my navel.

“What?” I whisper, wondering if he’s going to come in here with me.

I’m out, everyone around knows my preferences, but even I wouldn’t risk sex in the public bathroom.

Some people are accepting, but I don’t think of this as a great way to test their tolerance levels.

“Can I borrow some shampoo?”

I grab the bottle and walk closer to him, turning it over his outstretched hand. He touches me then, just a gentle caress down the length of me before pulling his hand back.

“And conditioner?”

I huff a laugh, returning the shampoo to the caddie and grabbing his second request. When I return to him, I see he’s further inside my stall now, rubbing the shampoo into his hair with one hand and holding out the other.

I give him a dollop of that as well.

“Thanks, man,” he says just as he lowers the hand with conditioner in it to his hard cock.

He gives me a fucking wink and walks out of my shower.

I’m left standing there with my damn jaw hanging open and laughter caught in my chest.

My hand drifts to my own erection as I hear, “Fuck. That’s it.”

I come first this time.


“You’re going to cut yourself,” I warn.

Landon is grinning at me in the mirror, his razor hovering over his cheek.

We brushed our teeth side by side together, the whole thing feeling incredibly domestic despite being in a dorm bathroom.

“Will you kiss it and make it better?” His question is asked on a whisper because another guy came in a few minutes ago and headed to take a shower.

I nod, my own grin growing.

And that’s how Silas finds us, both of us standing in towels, looking exactly like I know Landon has always wanted to avoid. Maybe that’s my own hang-up. Maybe we don’t look like we just got out of the same shower.

I pull my eyes from Landon in an effort not to look suspicious. We didn’t shower together, but we’re not exactly innocent either.

“Did you two kiss and make up?” Silas asks as he steps up to the sink we left between the two of us.

My palms grow damp. I know what Landon will say. What he has to say to make things okay for himself, but I prefer those statements not being made in my presence.