“Girls should be running from that thing.”

“We need a different opinion.”

Every muscle in my body locks up because I know what’s coming.

“Yo, Matthews!”

I sigh as I turn around to face Silas.

“Does Andrews’ huge dick make you want to say yes, Daddy?”

I shake my head. It didn’t until just a few minutes ago.

“I’m not into jocks, and you guys are fucking gross.”

Half of that is a lie. I’m into one particular jock, and after today, combined with last night, he may never talk to me again.

“I’ll be honest,” Jericho begins. “If Kyra came at me with a dick that big, I never would’ve agreed to being pegged.”

Another wave of silence fills the room, and even I have to stare at the man.

Kyra is Jericho’s longtime girlfriend. If I’m not mistaken, they’ve been dating since freshman year of high school. She goes to college in Florida, but somehow, they’ve been able to make the relationship work long distance for the last three years.

“Are you fucking serious?” Calhoun asks, but there’s an edge of curiosity in his voice where I’d expect disgust.

“As a judge,” Jericho says before going into the facts about the male erogenous zones, and completely unshy about describing, in full detail, that the best one is in the ass.

He garners all the attention in the room, and I risk a look at Landon to find him staring right back at me.

There isn’t a look of reproach on his face, but a tiny secret smile.

It doesn’t mean things are okay between us, but it’s the best I can hope for right now.

Chapter 19


I may need to buy Jericho a gift basket or some shit for the way he took all the attention off of me in the locker room earlier. Nothing like a discussion on prostate stimulation and the best orgasm of your life to redirect a group of men. I wouldn’t doubt that half of them have their own fingers up their asses by morning time.

I do not need to be thinking about that sort of shit right now.

I tap my fingers on my thigh, my eyes locked on the door the way they have been for the last hour. Rick has been gone all damn day. After the way he grinned at me when everyone else was distracted as Jericho started to draw a diagram on the white board in the locker room, I’m honestly surprised he isn’t here. I know it wasn’t some form of magical glue that has the ability to fix everything, but I figured it was a start.

I know there is such a thing as hate sex, that two people can seek pleasure from each other and still not want to be in the other’s presence. I fucking pray that’s not what it was, but can I honestly expect different? I ran out last night and left him to deal with that girl.

The door opens, Rick’s cautious eyes narrowing when he finds me sitting on my bed watching him.

“I got us dinner,” I say, pointing to the bags of food on my desk. “It’s probably cold by now. I’ve been waiting for you to get home for a while.”

He doesn’t offer an excuse, and I regret just not asking outright where he’s been.

“Is this guilt food for running out on me last night?” he asks, not wasting a moment to get right to the point. Classic Rick. “Or is it my last meal after what happened in the locker room earlier?”

“Which answer works best?” I tease, smiling when he does the same.

“I’d apologize for the underwear mishap, but that was your own fault. Maybe if you hadn’t bolted out of here.”

He crosses the room, reaching for the bag of food.

“I’m going to eat it either way. One because I’m starving and also because the bag in the trash can leaked, and I had to wash puke out of it.”

I cringe, hating that I not only left the girl for him to deal with but also the mess.

“It was a decent hand job, but not clean up puke good.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

“The blowjob was well worth it,” I say, glad that he’s the one to reference what we did last night first.

His eyes sparkle as he opens a cheeseburger, no onions this time, and takes a bite.

I’m focused on his mouth, knowing what that sweet part of him tastes like and how it feels on certain parts of my body.

“Well, I didn’t get a blowjob,” he says after swallowing.

“Do you want one?” I ask before thinking.

Rick chokes on his next bite, and I watch with a wide grin as he places the burger on his side table before crossing the room to grab a bottle of water from the closet.

He drains nearly the entire thing with his back to me before turning back around.