“Are you offering?”

I drop my eyes to the crotch of his athletic shorts as I lick my lips. “It’s only fair, right? To give and receive?”

Rick sputters again.

“I was going to throw those boxers in the trash,” I say, widening my legs to give my thickened cock a little more room. “But I didn’t figure you’d be very happy with me if I did that.”

“I never wear them. Somehow, they ended up on the top of my pile after unpacking from the summer.”

I blink up at him, noticing the nervous way his fingers tap on the bottle of water he’s holding.

“Rex gave them to me at Christmas. He thought they were hilarious.”

I feel murderous. I hate the guy, and I’ve never even met the man. I want to grill him about who the man is and who he is to Rick, but I’m in no position to talk about ex-lovers. Lord knows I’ve had my fair share, and for some reason, I feel ashamed of each one of them.

“How is Rex doing?” I ask instead, trying to be more mature than I actually feel.

“Don’t ask me about Rex. You don’t give a shit about him.”

He crosses the room, heading to sit down on his bed as he picks up his burger, taking another bite.

He’s wrong about giving a shit, but also right because there’s not an ounce of goodwill inside of me for the man.

“I need to know if some angry lover is going to show up and try to beat my ass after last night.”

He just shakes his head. I don’t know if it’s because I have nothing to worry about or if he thinks I’m just being a dick and he’s not impressed.

“What happened with the girl this morning?” I ask, changing the subject.

He swallows and takes another slug of water before speaking. “Her name is Blakely Corrigan, and she doesn’t remember a thing. Well, she didn’t mention it. So I assume she doesn’t. You owe me more than dinner for what I went through.”

“Puke is pretty gross,” I agree.

“I took her to breakfast and gave her some advice about getting blackout fucked up.”

“How did that go?” I ask with a cringe. I haven’t met a college-aged person yet that’s not annoyed when getting that kind of advice. I imagine it didn’t go over well while suffering from a hangover she no doubt was suffering through.

“It ended with me being her person and giving her my phone number.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal to extend a courtesy like that to a nearly complete stranger.

Most don’t want to be bothered and inconvenienced by their actual friends, but he’s willing to go above and beyond for someone he doesn’t even know just to keep her safe. That’s the kind of man he’s always been, making sacrifices for everyone.

“You would’ve done all of that even if she hadn’t caught us,” I assure him, knowing that part of him hasn’t dwindled even after the gap in friendship.

“Probably, but a blowjob would really even out the score.”

Rick drops his eyes to the front of my shorts, and that’s all it takes for the damn thing to swell.

“You’re looking over here like you can’t wait to taste it again.”

His eyes find mine, but he doesn’t speak.

“My burger is still in the bag. Why don’t you feed me your dick instead?”

Those pretty eyes of his widen before narrowing.

“Are you fucking with me?”

I shake my head, my hand trailing down my stomach. I think I’m just as turned on by the idea of sucking him off as I am thinking about what he did to me last night.

Rick stands from his bed, hands pulling up the hem of his shirt, the ridges of his defined abdomen coming into view when our bedroom door swings open.

“Heard you got some action last night,” Silas says, holding out his hand to Rick for a fist bump. “My man.”

Rick clears his throat as he pounds Silas’s fist, but I can sense the confusion in his gaze. He’s probably wondering just how much information I gave Silas last night, but he doesn’t risk giving anything away by looking in my direction.

“Are you guys ready?” my friend asks.

“Ready?” Rick offers when I sit up, curling over my lap to hide my erection.

Silas laughs like he heard a joke, but then it falls flat. “We welcome the new freshmen to the team tonight.”

I look over at Rick to try and deduce what the play is going to be. If he begs off, I’m going to have to figure a way out of this as well. I want to stay in this room for him, proceed with our plans, but make sure the damned door is locked so we can’t be interrupted again.

“Don’t give me that look, Matthews, and you can’t miss it either,” he says in my direction. “You’re the team captain. You have to be there. Let’s go!”