Page 26 of Cheating Death

The others paused to stare at the frail old man who had just shuffled through the door and into the room.

“Mr. Kennedy, you need to—” Bunny paused, peering into the elderly man’s face. His eyes hadn’t gone milky white, but he had the same vacant expression as the other residents who had been affected by Death’s little impromptu vacation. “Crap.”

“What?” Mike asked, before Mr. Kennedy pushed a multi-tonal snarl in his direction. “Oh!”

“Is that what I think it is?” Death asked, sounding slightly worried.

“Depends on what you think it is,” Raph said wryly, his hand slowly moving to a leather pouch he wore clipped to his belt.

“What on earth is going on in here?” Dana demanded, following the resident into the room. Her eyes fixed on Bunny right away, who was immediately grateful her coworker couldn’t see the two archangels and the extra pale immortal guy standing there with her.

“Why is Mr. Kennedy out of bed?” Dana asked, her brows drawn together in anger, “and in here with you?”

“Well, you see, Dana—” Bunny began, before her colleague cut her off.

“You were making another ‘call’ to your brother?” Dana asked snarkily, her gaze flicking pointedly to their patient as he began shuffling toward her. “Yeah, okay, Bunny. You know that he’s supposed to be in bed. You know that no one is supposed to be in Mr. Grisham’s room. So why are you in here?” And then Dana rolled her eyes and decided to answer her own question. “Actually, you know what? Never mind. I’m just gonna have to report it to—”

Mr. Kennedy snarled again, launching himself in Dana’s direction. His mouth stretched open wider than ought to have been humanly possible, and thick black smoke began to pour out of it like a volcano ready to erupt. It streamed out of Mr. Kennedy and into Dana, leaving the elderly man to collapse in a pile of brackish goo on the floor.

“Dana!” Bunny yelped. “No!”

“Bar the door,” Michael instructed Death, who blinked before springing into action to do as he was told.

“Who sent you?” Bunny asked, leaning in to peer into Dana’s face. Only it wasn’t Dana anymore. The demon had taken hold of her body the same way the other one had possessed the AC repairman. Only this one had two archangels holding onto it to prevent it leaping out of a fourth-story window.

Dana’s eyes gleamed with evil, yellow sparks flaring up inside of her extremely dilated pupils.

“Who sent you?” Bunny asked again, refusing to back down.

The demon grinned toothily. “I just popped up from the depths of Hell, whoever sent me, I won’t tell!”

“Great,” Raph sighed, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “A Parnassus demon. Keep your weird rhyming crap to yourself, you little shit!” he griped at the entity.

“Can angels swear?” Death asked in a scandalized whisper.

“Apparently,” Bunny told him, her brows raised with interest.

“Where is Death’s pendant?” Michael asked. While his voice was usually mild and jovial, this voice would accept no refusal. “Answer me!” he boomed.

“Your little friend’s jewel is not for show, where it is now, I do not know!” The demon giggled before spitting right in Michael’s face. The saliva dripped down the archangel’s chin, and after a split-second, he lunged forward to throttle the evil creature. He would have succeeded, too, were it not for Raph managing to grab him at the last minute.

“This is pointless,” the dark-haired angel insisted. “You’re not going to get any sense out of it.”

“Get rid of it, then,” Bunny said, disgusted at seeing such a vile being shacked up inside a human she knew. Dana might not always be perfect, and she might be intending to report Bunny for various reasons. But she was still a person, and she didn’t deserve to be a walking meat suit for a piece-of-shit demon. “Get it out of her!”

“We’re trying!” Mike insisted. “Distract her.”

“Dana,” Bunny said, standing in front of her coworker. She shoved her hand into Dana’s. “Dana, if you can hear me, I need you to take a deep breath and hold on, okay. Do you understand? Squeeze my hand if you understand.”

At first Bunny didn’t think it was going to work. But then, slowly, and surely, Dana gave Bunny’s hand a tiny squeeze. A second later she gave a harder one. Bunny smiled at her encouragingly, glancing at the archangels on either side of Dana. Bunny didn’t know what they were going to do, and she didn’t want to know.

And a second later it didn’t matter, because the demon had taken hold of Dana’s willpower once again and was now using her body to crush Bunny’s hand in her grip like a vise.

“Argh!” Bunny yelled, which seemed to be the catalyst for whatever the celestials were planning on doing.

“Now, Raph!” Michael cried, and the pair of them plunged their hands into Dana’s chest in the same instant.

The woman gasped and threw back her head as the angels wrestled the demon straight up out of her body.